问题 单项选择题 A1/A2型题










2004年7月,某国际跨国公司(以下简称A公司)计划购买我国一国有化工企业B有限责任公司的部分股权,并增投部分资本,将B公司改组为外商投资企业c有限责任公司。 B公司董事会成员为7人,其中有一名为职工代表,经职代会选举产生;其他董事由股东会选举产生。2004年6月15日,董事会召开会议,讨论收购事宜。董事长甲因参加人民代表大会不能出席会议,副董事长乙因出国考察不能出席会议,其他5名董事都出席了董事会。经董事长指定,由董事丙召集并主持该次董事会。经出席会议的董事讨论并一致作出决定,通过了股份收购的方案。  经B公司股东会讨论通过,A、B两公司达成了以下并购协议: (1)B公司的注册资金为人民币8000万元,2003年底财务报表显示B公司现有净资产人民币1亿元。A公司表示,愿向B公司的国有股权持有人支付折合人民币5100万元的货币及资产购买B公司现有股权的51% ,再以货币形式向C公司增加出资2000万元。 (2)B公司2004年6月底尚有500万元人民币的应收债权、1000万元人民币的未到期银行贷嗽。协议约定贷款由B公司国有股权持有人负责归还,应收债权到期未能收回的损失也由B公司国有股权持有人承担。 (3)A公司计划将其在中国投资的另一家合资企业的清算所得人民币1000万元、已收购的丙国有企业折合人民币1550万元的资产在C公司的营业执照颁发之日起6个月内向B公司国有股权持有人支付,其余2550万元将在营业执照颁发之日起18个月后支付。另外,向C公司增加出资2000万元将以可自由兑换的外币的形式在营业执照颁发后一年内一次付清。 (4)B公司所有职工全部移交社会保障机构,应付给职工的经济补偿金、社会保险费由B公司国有股权持有人从转让所得中优先支付,原B公司拖欠职工的工资及欠缴的社会保险金也由B公司国有股权持有人从转让收益中拨付。 (5)双方的股权转让协议从A公司首期收购款支付之口起即生效。 (6)经查,A公司在中国的市场占有率已经达到20% 。 要求:根据上述资料回答以下问题: (1)B公司董事会成员的人数、结构以及产生是否符合法律规定为什么 (2)该次董事会会议的出席人数、召集人是否合法为什么 (3)并购协议中关于B公司的债权债务处理办法的约定是否符合法律规定为什么 (4)并购协议中外方的出资期限和出资方式是否合法为什么 (5)并购协议中关于B公司拖欠的职TT资和欠缴的社会保险费的处理办法是否合法为什么 (6)并购协议关于协议生效的约定是否合法为什么 (7)B公司的并购方案除经董事会、股东会讨论外,还应经过何种程序


Being able to multitask---doing several things at the same time---is considered a welcome skill by most people. But if we consider the situation of the young people aged from eight to eighteen, we should think again.

What we often see nowadays is that young people juggle an ever larger number of electronic devices as they study. While working, they also surf on the Internet, send out emails, answer the telephone and listen to music on their iPods. In a sense, they are spending a significant amount of time in fruitless efforts as they multitask.

Multitasking is even changing the relationship between family members. As young people give so much attention to their own worlds, they seem to have no time to spend with the other people around them. They can no longer greet family members when they enter the house, nor can they eat at the family table.

Multitasking also affects young people’s performance at university and in the workplace. When asked about their opinion of the effect of modern gadgets on their performance of tasks, many young people gave a positive response. However, the response from the worlds of education and business was not quite as positive.

Educators feel that multitasking by children has a serious effect on later development of study skills. They believe that many college students now need help to improve their study skills. Similarly, employers feel that young people entering the job market need to be taught all over again, as modern gadgets have made it unnecessary for them to learn special skills to do their work.

小题1:What does the underlined word “juggle” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?

A.Want to buy.

B.Take the place of.

C.Use at the same time.

D.Seek for information from.小题2:In Paragraph 3, the author points out that  ________.

A.family members do not eat at the family table.

B.family members do not greet each other.

C.young people live happily in their families

D.young people seldom talk with their family members小题3:What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.multitasking is harmful to young people’s development.

B.Young people benefit a lot from modern gadgets.

C.Multitasking is an important skill to young people.

D.Yong people must learn skills for future jobs.小题4:The author develops the passage mainly by ________.

A.providing typical examples

B.following the natural time order

C.comparing opinions from different fields

D.presenting a cause and analyzing its effects