问题 填空题




⑴ C、N、O三种元素的电负性由大到小的顺序是 ▲ ;Ni元素与Pt元素位于同一族,写出Ni元素基态原子的电子排布式: ▲ 。

⑵ 顺铂和反铂的物理性质有很大差异,其中只有一种易溶于水,请你通过所学知识判断哪一种易溶于水,并说明理由: ▲ 。

⑶ 金属铂的原子堆积方式为与铜型(面心立方堆积),一个金属铂的晶胞中含有 ▲ 个铂原子。

⑷ NH3还能与很多化合物通过配位键发生相互作用。例如:科学家潜心研究的一种可作储氢材料的化合物 X是NH3与第二周期另一种元素的氢化物相互作用的产物,X是乙烷的等电子体;加热化合物 X会缓慢释放H2,转变为化合物Y,Y是乙烯的等电子体。

① 化合物X的结构式为 ▲ (必须标明配位键)。

② 化合物X、Y分子中,N元素分别发生了 ▲ 杂化。


⑴O>N>C   1s22s22p63s23p63d84s2 ⑵顺铂易溶于水,因为它是极性分子,易溶于极性溶剂 ⑶4 ⑷① ②sp3和sp2

⑴非金属性越强,电负性越大;结合元素的原子序数、元素在周期表中的位置等可以很方便地确定其外围电子排布,进而书写原子核外电子排布式。⑵物质的溶解性多数符合“相似相溶”的规律。⑶金属铂的晶胞中含有铂原子数为8×+6×=4。 ⑷第二周期中与乙烷互为等电子体的气态氢化物不存在,应该由两个碳原子联想到一个氮原子和一个硼原子组成与乙烷相似的氢化物。其中B原子提供空轨道,N原子提供孤对电子;根据等电子体的结构相似,X、Y中氮原子、硼原子的轨道杂化方式与乙烯、乙炔中的碳原子均相同。说明:Y的结构简式为H2B=NH2。



     Britain's most popular lie has been discovered, with one in four people admitting using "Sorry

I had no signal" when returning a missed mobile phone call, a survey found.

     According to a recent survey people usually use this little white lie after they hit the "ignore"

button when their mobile rang. The second most common fib is "I haven't got any cash on me"

when asked for money by beggars. Modern technology is a major excuse in many of our lies with

"I didn't get your text" in 18th, "Our server was down" in 20th and "My battery died" in 26th place.

     Researchers found the average Briton tells on average four lies every day or almost 1500 every

year. One in three Britons have lied about their weight, a quarter have fibbed about the amount of

debt they are in and 30 percent have bent the truth about the amount of exercise they do.

     Almost a quarter of men have told their wife or girlfriend they look good in an outfit, despite

thinking the opposite. More than 40 percent of women have admitted lying about how much new

clothes actually cost while 30 percent have fibbed about how much they've had to drink.

     Three quarters of people think women are better liars. The research found 46 per cent of girls

have been caught lying, compared to 58 of men. Men tell the most fibs, coming out with five every

day compared to women who lie just three times.

     A spokesman for one poll, which carried out the research of 4,300 adults, said, "As a nation we

are obsessed with trying to be nice and not upsetting people. Often little white lies are used to cover

what we actually want to say."

     "Most of these were considered either completely harmless or necessary depending on the situation

in which they are delivered." He added, "It was sad to see a string of compliments in the top 50, but

once again in many cases perhaps it is better to compliment(恭维) with a lie than destroy someone

with the truth."

1. What is the best title for the passage?

A. The most popular British lies

B. British people like to lie

C. The reasons British people lie

D. Technology makes us lie  

2. According to the research, what do women most frequently lie about?  ______

A. Their weight.

B. The amount of their debt.

C. Their drinking habits.

D. The cost of their clothing.  

3. Which of the following statement is true according to the research?  ______

A. Three quarters of women are better liars.

B. Men lie more often than women.

C. More men are better liars than women.

D. More women lie than men.  

4. The underlined phrase "obsessed with" is closest in meaning to ______.  

A. very concerned with

B. surprised about

C. opposed to

D. not interested in  

5. Why do people usually lie according to the one poll?  ______

A. To prevent argument with their partners.      

B. To avoid speaking with others on the phone.

C. To avoid hurting others.

D. To destroy others.

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