问题 材料分析题

2009年7月21日中 * * 在 * * 召开党外人士座谈会,就当前经济形势和下半年经济工作广泛听取各民主党派中央、全国工商联领导人和无党派人士意见和建议。7月23日中 * * 政治局召开会议,会议强调,宏观政策取向不能改变,要在保增长中更加注重推进结构调整,更加注重加快自主创新,更加注重加强节能环保,更加注重城乡统筹和区域协调发展,更加注重深化改革开放,更加注重保障和改善民生。

(1)中 * * 党广泛听取民主党派的意见和建议,体现的政治生活道理是什么?


(2)运用所学政治生活知识分析,中 * * 强调宏观政策取向不能改变的原因。



(1)①我国实行中 * * 党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度。中 * * 党是执政党,各民主党派是参政党,二者是亲密友党。②民主党派人士广泛地参政议政,能及时反映社会各阶层的利益要求;有利于党和国家决策的科学化、民主化,推动社会主义民主政治建设。

(2)①中 * * 党是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心,在现代化建设中发挥着总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用。②强调宏观政策取向不能改变,是根据当前经济发展状况,遵循经济发展规律,坚持科学执政的体现。③有利于始终保持现代化建设的社会主义方向,调动一切积极因素实现全面小康社会的建设目标,做到发展成果由人民共享。


I have been a student at Bentley College in Waltham for some time now, so I have a lot of experience and know how things work at Bentley. As a freshman(新生)at Bentley College you will be living in the Tree Dorms, Slade Hall or Miller Hall. I would highly suggest that you choose to live in the Tree Dorms because this is where most fresh-men are going to be living. There will be a lot of activities going on in the building and you will meet lots of people. Slade Hall is next to the parking lot(停车场)and not far from the Tree Dorms, so that would be your second choice. As Miller Hall is small and far away, it would be my last choice for freshmen housing. If Bentley offers you the chance to live with second or third year students you’d better refuse their offer and live with freshmen. Living with your classmates will make the transition (过渡) into college life a lot easier.

As a freshman your classes should be easy. After freshman year your classes will become a lot more difficult, so I advise that you get down to business early in the first year. There are two very easy things you can do to increase your knowledge as a freshman. The first is to just go to class and the second is to always do your homework. I also highly advise that you do it on your own and try to stay disciplined(遵守纪律的). It is too easy to put your homework away and then get really behind and not be able to learn everything before a mid-term or final exam.

小题1:The author advises freshmen to live in the Tree Dorms because ___________.

A.it is across the parking lot from Slade Hall

B.it is small and quite far away from the playground

C.there are many second and third year students there

D.there are many freshmen and more activities小题2:Where is Slade Hall?

A.Near Miller Hall.

B.Far from Tree Dorms.

C.Beside the car park.

D.Near the classrooms.小题3:According to the author, how can freshmen improve knowledge?

A.Remember to do homework by discussing it with others.

B.Finish homework and go to class every day.

C.Try to spend more time in the library.

D.Be able to learn something before a mid-term or final exam.小题4:The author writes the passage to ___________.

A.tell new students how to get used to college life

B.tell new students about their teachers and dormitory

C.show the differences between college and high school

D.tell readers about some funny things at Bentley College
