问题 阅读理解

When my first wartime Christmas came, I was in basic training in New Jersey and not sure if I would make it home for the holiday. Only on the afternoon of December 23 was the list of men who would have the three-day holiday posted. I was one of the lucky soldiers. It was Christmas Eve when I arrived home, and a little snow had fallen. Mother opened the front door. I could see beyond her, into the corner of the living room where the tree had always stood. There were lights, colors, and ornaments (饰品) shining against the green of a pine.

"Where did it come from?" I asked.

"I asked the Gates boy to cut it," my mother said. "I wouldn't have had one just for myself, but when in great need... such a rush! He just brought it in this afternoon."

The pine reached to the proper height, almost to the ceiling, and the Tree Top Crystal(水晶)Star was in its place. A few green branches reached out a little awkwardly(难看)at the side, I thought, and there was a bit of bare trunk showing in the middle. But the tree filled the room with warm light and the whole house with the pleasant smell of Christmas.

"It's not like the one you used to find," my mother went on. "Yours were always in good shape. I suppose the Gates boy didn't know where to look for a better one. But I couldn't be fussy(挑剔的)."

"Don't worry," I told her. "It's perfect."

It wasn't, of course, but at the moment I realized something for the first time: All Christmas trees are perfect.

1. What did his mother's Christmas tree look like?    

2. From the passage we can infer (推断) that ________ .

A. all the soldiers had the three-day holiday      

B. the writer could not go home for Christmas

C. the writer spent his first Christmas during the war

D. not all the soldiers went home for Christmas during the war

3. From the passage, we can conclude that ________ .

A. his mother didn't like Christmas trees  

B. the writer didn't like the tree cut by someone else

C. the writer used to cut very beautiful Christmas trees

D. his mother didn't want to have a Christmas tree during wartime

4. The best title for this passage would be ________ .

A. The Perfect Christmas Tree              

B. How to Choose a Christmas Tree

C. How Soldiers Spent Their Christmas      

D. A Christmas with an Ugly Christmas Tree

5. What does the writer mean by saying "All Christmas trees are perfect"?

A. Nothing is as perfect as Christmas.         

B. Once at home, everything is so nice.

C. During the war, trees are hard to find.     

D. All Christmas trees are the most beautiful.




某市政设施工程全部由政府投资兴建。该项目为该省建设规划的重点项目之一,且已列入地方年度固定投资计划,概算已经主管部门批准,征地工作尚未全部完成,施工图纸及有关技术资料齐全。现决定对该项目进行施工招标。招标人在国家级报刊发布招标公告,因估计除本市施工企业参加投标外,还可能有外省市施工企业参加投标,故招标人委托咨询单位编制了两个标底,准备分别用于对本省和外省市施工企业投标价的评定。招标人于2004年8月5日向具备承担该项目能力的A、B、C、D、E 5家承包商发出资格预审合格通知,其中说明,8月10~11日在招标人总工程师室领取招标文件,9月5日14时为投标截止时间。这五家承包商均领取了招标文件。8月18日招标人对投标单位就招标文件提出的所有问题统一作了书面答复,随后组织各投标单位进行了现场踏勘。9月5日这五家承包商均按规定的时间提交了投标文件。但承包商A在送出投标文件后发现报价估算有较严重的失误,遂赶在投标截止时间前半小时递交了一份书面声明,撤回已提交的投标文件。

开标时,由招标人委托的市公证处人员检查投标文件的密封情况,确认无误后,由工作人员当众拆封。由于承包商A已撤回投标文件,故招标人宣布有B、C、D、E 4家承包商投标,并宣读该四家承包商的投标价格、工期和其他主要内容。







