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      One of the first ways to communicate over long distances was by a messenger, 1_____. At that time

messen- gers had to spend a long time doing the job and sometimes they forgot the reply. The invention of

writing helped them a lot. They are called postmen now.

      People around the world developed many different ways to send messages: blowing into seashells, using

smoke from fires, even throwing bottles with messages in them into the sea. 2_____.  Soldiers used to write

messages and fix them to the leg of the pigeon. The pigeon then flew back home with the information. One

pigeon flew 4500 kilometers from the United States to Britain in 12 days-a speed of 375 kilometers a day!

3_____. George Lesage made the first electric telegraph in 1774. And Alexander Graham Bell invented the

telephone in 1876. 4_____. Today we also have mobile phones, faxes, communication satellites, e-mails and

the Internet to help us exchange information quickly around the world.

A. In the 1920s, scientists invented radio telephones

B. One successful way was to use pigeons, a kind of bird

C. someone who took messages from place to place

D. The first modem ways of communicating were by telegraph and telephone

5. Which is the best title of the passage? 

A. The Best Communicating Way.

B.  Useful Pigeons.

C.  Long-Distance Communication.

D.  The Popular Internet


1-5  CBDAC
