子基金之间可以进行相互转换的基金是( )。
A.股票型基金 B.债券型基金C.货币市场基金 D.系列基金
The following questions present a sentence, part of which or all of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence, you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part. The first of these repeats the original; the other four are different. If you think the original is best, choose the first answer; otherwise choose one of the others.
These questions test correctness and effectiveness of expression. In choosing your answer, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or grammatical error.
Rising tides of unemployment claims across the state has led the governor to declare the economy to be in a state of emergency.()
A. Rising tides
B. Because the rising tide
C. The tide is rising
D. The rising tide
E. The rising of the tide