问题 选择题









点评:古代中国的民本思想形成于春秋战国时期,(1)其主要内容:第一,孔子的思想:“仁”的学说,以德治民的政治思想;第二,孟子的民本思想:“民为贵,君为轻”,“仁政”,给农民一定的土地,不侵犯农民的劳动时间,放宽刑罚,减轻赋税;第三,荀子的“舟水说”。(2)其形成的原因:第一,奴隶制瓦解,封建制形成,劳动者的社会经济政治地位得到提高;第二,对夏商周诸王朝兴亡的历史经验和教训的总结和思考;第三,春秋战国时期的知识分子,在对现实社会动荡、人民苦难的忧思中,寻求拯救社会、拯救民众之路。(3)其影响:第一,为封建统治者接受并成为其统治思想的重要组成部分;第二,有利于给劳动者创设一个相对宽松的社会生产环境,从而促进社会经济的发展;第三,有利于缓和阶级矛盾,维护政治安定和国家统一;第四,影响着后世的政治和社会生活,成为中 * * 文化精神的一份珍贵遗产。



     In western countries, especially in America, some social customs have lasted still today. For example,

ladies first, that is to say, women in those countries are respected(尊重) in many ways. In the U.S. and

Europe, you will see men usually open doors for women and women generally walk ahead of men into a

room or a restaurant unless the man have to be ahead of the ladies to choose the table, to open the door

of a car or to give other services. On the street, men almost walk or across the street on the side of the

ladies which is closer to traffic, but if a man walks with two ladies, he should walk between them.

1. In this passage "customs" especially refer to _______.

A.what a group of people usually do

B.what people in western countries do

C.what people in eastern countries do

D.what people in united states do

2. When you introduce a group of people in English, you will probably begin with_______.

A. Men and women

B. Women and men

C. Gentlemen and ladies

D. Ladies and gentlemen

3. In which country people may think it strange that men should open doors for women?

A. England

B. Italy

C. Japan

D. Germany

4. Which of the following statements is not true?

A.In Europe, a man generally follows a woman when they enter a restaurant together.

B.In America a man who walks ahead of a women always gives services.

C.In the U.S., women almost always walk closer to the running cars.

D.In the U.S. men should always walk by the side of the ladies.

5. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of this passage?

A.In western countries, some social customs have lasted till today.

B.Women in western countries are respected in many ways.

C.Men usually open doors for women in the U.S. as well as in Europe.

D.Men show respect for women by giving them good services.
