问题 完形填空
     Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot
chocolate.  
     1 , winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday. I would ask my grandmother  2  it
didn't snow on my birthday. She would laugh and tell me I asked too many questions.  3  one day, she
promised (许诺) that she would make it snow on my next birthday.     
     That year,  4  my birthday, my grandmother died. I was sad but angry because she had promised to
make it snow. The day of my sixth birthday, I woke up and ran to the window,  5  to see just one snowflake.
But there was no snow. I felt mad at my grandmother. She had broken a promise.
     By my sixteenth birthday, I  6  all hope of getting my snow, even though I still wished for  7 . During
my party, I stayed with my friends and family and was truly happy. I  8  the best time ever! Then I saw the
white snow  9  down all around. I was so excited that I ran around screaming (尖叫) and laughing. My
friends all laughed  10  me, but I didn't care.
     When I  11  home, my grandpa said he had a gift for me. I was  12  because he had given me a gift. It
was a small white box, which looked old. I opened it. There was a crystal snowflake (水晶雪花) with a card
that  13 , "Happy Birthday." 
     How could this be? My grandpa said it was my grandmother's final  14  on my "sweet sixteenth". I cried. 
     I was  15  that my smiling grandmother angel was and had been watching over me.
( )1. A. Certainly   
( )2. A. when        
( )3. A. But         
( )4. A. on          
( )5. A. hoped       
( )6. A. was losing  
( )7. A. it          
( )8. A. had         
( )9. A. fell        
( )10. A. with       
( )11. A. arrived at 
( )12. A. excited    
( )13. A. wrote      
( )14. A. order      
( )15. A. certain    
B. Unfortunately
B. how         
B. Or          
B. after       
B. hoping      
B. lost        
B. her         
B. was         
B. to fall     
B. at          
B. remained    
B. confused    
B. said        
B. mistake     
B. angry       
C. Importantly
C. whether   
C. Then      
C. before    
C. to hope   
C. would lose
C. him       
C. played    
C. fallen    
C. from      
C. got       
C. pleased   
C. explained 
C. wish      
C. sad       
D. Luckily  
D. why      
D. So       
D. in       
D. hope     
D. had lost 
D. me       
D. feared   
D. falling  
D. off      
D. entered  
D. frustrated
D. appeared                          
D. decision 
D. anxious  

1-5     BDACB      6-10   DAADB      11-15    CBBCA


根据以下材料,回答62~73题。  求助者:男性,13岁,初中一年级学生。  案例介绍:求助者从小生活在农村的奶奶家,九岁被父母接到城里上学。由于讲方言,经常被同学们笑话。求助者觉得自己是从乡下来的,很自卑,一直努力地学习,并考上一所重点中学。上初中后非常害羞,一说话就脸红,不敢注视对方的眼睛,平时几乎不与别人来往,不愿参加集体活动。父母觉得男孩子不应该这样,求助者自己也希望能像其他同学那样有良好的人际关系,所以来心理咨询。  下面是心理咨询师与求助者的一段咨询谈话:求助者:我一跟别人说话就紧张,您说怎么办心理咨询师:能说说你都紧张什么吗或者说担心、害怕什么  求助者:(沉默)……我觉得是害怕别人说我笨。心理咨询师:那你觉得自己笨吗  求助者:我从小生活在农村,很多方面都不如别人,比如,很多同学都会用笔记本电脑上网,可我以前都没上过网,同学们都笑话我。我总觉得自己比别人笨,不愿意与别人交往。  心理咨询师:你说你在许多方面都不如别人,可怎么解释你考上重点中学的事  求助者:那说明我还不笨对吗  心理咨询师:是啊,很多人都没考上重点中学,而你考上了,这说明你不比别人笨。而且通过自己的努力还成为了佼佼者,说明你的努力也是有效的。由于原来生活环境的差异,你与其他同学相比,在某些方面有差异也是正常的,这会在以后的生活中慢慢地弥补。我当时也是从农村出来的,上大学时还没见过手机,后来也是通过自己的努力,取得了一些成绩。我相信,你只要主动地与别人交流,渐渐地克服紧张情绪,就会收获到更多的友谊,对吗  求助者:你说得对。  心理咨询师:今天你先回去思考一下,怎么与人更好地交往,我们下次再谈好吗求助者:好的,谢谢您!

咨询中,该求助者的沉默最可能的是(  )。




