问题 完形填空
     Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot
chocolate.  
     1 , winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday. I would ask my grandmother  2  it
didn't snow on my birthday. She would laugh and tell me I asked too many questions.  3  one day, she
promised (许诺) that she would make it snow on my next birthday.     
     That year,  4  my birthday, my grandmother died. I was sad but angry because she had promised to
make it snow. The day of my sixth birthday, I woke up and ran to the window,  5  to see just one snowflake.
But there was no snow. I felt mad at my grandmother. She had broken a promise.
     By my sixteenth birthday, I  6  all hope of getting my snow, even though I still wished for  7 . During
my party, I stayed with my friends and family and was truly happy. I  8  the best time ever! Then I saw the
white snow  9  down all around. I was so excited that I ran around screaming (尖叫) and laughing. My
friends all laughed  10  me, but I didn't care.
     When I  11  home, my grandpa said he had a gift for me. I was  12  because he had given me a gift. It
was a small white box, which looked old. I opened it. There was a crystal snowflake (水晶雪花) with a card
that  13 , "Happy Birthday." 
     How could this be? My grandpa said it was my grandmother's final  14  on my "sweet sixteenth". I cried. 
     I was  15  that my smiling grandmother angel was and had been watching over me.
( )1. A. Certainly   
( )2. A. when        
( )3. A. But         
( )4. A. on          
( )5. A. hoped       
( )6. A. was losing  
( )7. A. it          
( )8. A. had         
( )9. A. fell        
( )10. A. with       
( )11. A. arrived at 
( )12. A. excited    
( )13. A. wrote      
( )14. A. order      
( )15. A. certain    
B. Unfortunately
B. how         
B. Or          
B. after       
B. hoping      
B. lost        
B. her         
B. was         
B. to fall     
B. at          
B. remained    
B. confused    
B. said        
B. mistake     
B. angry       
C. Importantly
C. whether   
C. Then      
C. before    
C. to hope   
C. would lose
C. him       
C. played    
C. fallen    
C. from      
C. got       
C. pleased   
C. explained 
C. wish      
C. sad       
D. Luckily  
D. why      
D. So       
D. in       
D. hope     
D. had lost 
D. me       
D. feared   
D. falling  
D. off      
D. entered  
D. frustrated
D. appeared                          
D. decision 
D. anxious  

1-5     BDACB      6-10   DAADB      11-15    CBBCA


休直方不务进趋,既为相,天下翕然宜之。万年尉李美玉有罪,帝将放岭南。休曰:“尉小官,犯非大恶。今朝廷有大 * * ,请得先治。金吾大 * * 程伯献恃恩而贪,室宅舆马僭法度,臣请先伯献,后美玉。”帝不许,休固争曰:“罪细且不容,巨猾乃置不问,陛下不出伯献,臣不敢奉诏。”帝不能夺。大率坚正类此。初,嵩以休柔易,故荐之。休临事或折正嵩。嵩不能平。宋璟闻之曰:“不意休能尔,仁者之勇也。”嵩宽博多可,休峭鲠,时政所得失,言之未尝不尽。帝尝猎苑中,或大张乐,稍过差,必视左右曰:“韩休知否”已而疏辄至。尝引鉴,默不乐。左右曰:“自韩休入朝,陛下无一日欢,何自戚戚,不逐去之”帝曰:“吾虽瘠,天下肥矣。且萧嵩每启事,必顺旨,我退而思天下,不安寝。韩休敷陈治道,多讦直,我退而思天下,寝必安。吾用休,社稷计耳。”后以工部尚书罢。迁太子少师,封宜阳县子。卒,年六十八,赠扬州大都督,谥曰文忠。宝应元年,赠太子太师。(《新唐书·列传第五十一》。有删节)
[注] ①厩刍:草料。

