问题 阅读理解

My father never wanted his children to know what he did for a living. Dad worked in Plant C. Lying beside Lake Erie, it saw him in at sunrise and out at nightfall. Sometimes my mother would take my siblings (兄弟姐妹) and me to the public beach in our hometown of Ashtabula. She’d gather us round and point to the smokestacks, coughing clouds into the sky.

“Wave to daddy!” she’d shout. Four little hands would shoot into the air. I never knew what Dad did in Plant C, but during 34 years of hard work, he had surgery (手术) on his shoulder and hand. At 48, he had his first heart attack. He retired in 1993, right after the last kid graduated from college. But the damage was done. A few years later, the next heart attack killed him.

I saw my dad in plant C only once, when I took dinner to him. That night, I looked at my father, covered in sweat and coal, and for the first time I knew why he was so often angry for no reason.

Recently my father’s friend, Toby Workman, walked me there. I knew my father never wanted me to see it. At every station, he described the job and the danger. It was like listening to a foreign language. I walked past many DANGER signs. Toby put his hand on my shoulder. “Look”, he said, “you need to understand something. Your dad was a maintenance mechanic. He worked the most dangerous job. If something broke, he fixed it. ”

A few days later, my daughter graduated from college. I gave her the hard hat Toby handed to me as I left, and this note: “Whenever you feel something difficult, put this on, look in the mirror, and remember your roots.”

小题1:What is the purpose of the passage?

A.In memory of the author’s mother

B.to know about what the father did.

C.In memory of the author’s father.

D.to remind the family to live well.小题2:Which of the following is TRUE of the facts about the author’s father?

A.He didn’t suffer a heart attack until he retired.

B.He always faced danger while working.

C.He was satisfied with his job.

D.He worked in Plant C for 48 years in all.小题3:When the author saw her father in Plant C,       ___.

A.her father was fixing a broken machine.

B.she didn’t recognize her father.

C.she understood him about his bad temper.

D.her father was angry about her coming.小题4:When Toby Workman described the author’s father’s job, the author   ____  .

A.felt familiar with the job

B.decided to do the same work.

C.wanted to learn a foreign language

D.felt much puzzled小题5:The author gave her daughter the hat to hope that her daughter could    _______ .

A.get encouraged by her grandfather

B.overcome all difficulties by wearing it

C.remember her grandfather

D.follow her grandfather’s work









小题2:细节题。由倒数第二段最后一句He worked the most dangerous job. If something broke, he fixed it.可以知道答案,所以选B。

小题3:细节题,由第三段最后一句and for the first time I knew why he was so often angry for no reason.可以知道答案,所以选C

小题4:细节题,由第一段第一句My father never wanted his children to know what he did for a living. 可以知道答案,所以选D

小题5:推理题,由最后一段最后一句Whenever you feel something difficult, put this on, look in the mirror, and remember your roots.可以推出答案,所以选A




朱修之,字恭祖,义兴平氏人也。曾祖焘,晋平西 * * 。祖序,豫州刺史。父谌,益州刺史。修之自州主簿迁司徒从事中郎,文帝谓曰:“卿曾祖昔为王导丞相中郎,卿今又为王弘中郎,可谓不忝尔祖矣。”后随到彦之北伐。彦之自河南回,留修之戍滑台,为虏所围,数月粮尽,将士熏鼠食之,遂陷于虏。



修之治身清约,凡所赠贶,一无所受。有饷,或受之,而旋与佐吏分之,终不入己,唯以抚纳群蛮为务。征为左民尚书,转领军 * * 。去镇,秋毫不犯,计在州然油及牛马谷草,以私钱十六万偿之。然性俭克少恩情,姊在乡里,饥寒不立,修之未尝供赡。尝往视姊,姊欲激之,为设菜羹粗饭,修之曰:“此乃贫家好食。”致饱而去。


小题1:对下列句子中划线词的解释,不正确的一项是( )




D.时竺超民义宣执:捉拿小题2:下列各组句子中,划线词的意义和用法相同的一组是( )




D.乃鲁秀为雍州刺史余船次俱进小题3:下列句子中,全都表现朱修之能守节的一组是( )

①留修之戍滑台,为虏所围   ②修之潜谋南归      ③复欲率南人窃发

④而遣使陈诚于帝           ⑤修之率众南定遗寇  ⑥凡所赠贶,一无所受




D.③⑤⑥小题4:下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是( )






