问题 单项选择题

城市 天数 上年同期天数 排名 上年同期排名
湛江 330 316 1 1
拉萨 305 238 2 4
海口 245 296 3 2
三亚 228 4
珠海 183 244 5 3
牡丹江 156 141 6 16
中山 155 7
北海 154 226 8 5
深圳 153 220 9 6
汕头 147 189 10 8
城市 天数 上年同期天数 排名 上年同期排名
兰州 141 121 1 1
乌鲁木齐 105 101 2 2
北京 79 81 3 3
合肥 76 36 4 29
武汉 74 71 5 6
赤峰 73 30 6 38
西安 68 62 7 9
开封 65 32 8 34
扬州 62 35 9 31
太原 56 78 10 4

当年非蓝天日数排名前10位的城市中,未能将非蓝天日数的同比增速控制在10%以下的城市有几个 ()







解析: 根据题意及表格中的天数可知,本题满足“上年日数×10%<当年日数一上年日数”即符合题意。通过计算可知,未将非蓝天日数的同比增速控制在10%以下的城市分别是兰州、合肥、赤峰、开封、扬州。故选B。




大概是太过于念念不忘了,连阿长也来问《山海经》是怎么一回事。这是我向来没有和她说过的,我知道她并非学者,说了也无益;但既然来问,也就都对她说了。 过了十多天,或者一个月罢,我还记得,是她告假回家以后的四五天,她穿着新的蓝布衫回来了,一见面,就将一包书递给我,高兴地说道:“哥儿,有画儿的‘三哼经’我给你买来了!” 我似乎遇着了一个霹雳,全身都震悚起来;赶紧去接过来,打开纸包,是四本小小的书,略略一翻,人面的兽,九头的蛇,……果然都在内。






小题1:(甲)文段选自《             》,作者是                 

(乙)文段选自《             》,作者是                 (2分) 




Like all the huge metropolises of the world, there are lots of diversions both outdoors and indoors in Chicago. The Art Institute of Chicago has one of the world’s (1) art collections, including more French Impressionist paintings than even in the Paris Louvre itself. The Field Museum of Natural History and the Museum of Science and Industry are also great historical and cultural treasure houses to (2) as well as entertain children and adults (3) In the Field Museum one comes (4) a surprisingly big collection of Chinese exhibits from the ancient (5) to the early century. The Sears Tower and the Buckingham Fountain are the pride of the Chicagoans; (6) having 110 storeys is said to be the highest tower in the world and the (7) is the largest fountain in the United States. Lake Michigan is for yachting in summer time, (8) the highlights of Chicago life all the year round are concerts, operas and plays (9) by the city’s orchestra, opera houses and theatres. In summer, especially around the Independence Day, July 4th, many festivals and fairs are given outdoors, which, (10) crowds and crowds of people, with their parades, fireworks, (11) concerts, water-skiing and good foods.

But with all its attractions and beautiful spots Chicago is also a city (12) for crimes. All the dwelling houses are (13) with three doors and visitors have to speak through microphone (14) in the wall to the residents before they can get admitted. In the streets there are white-color telephones. When one finds oneself (15) , he needs only to knock the receiver (16) the hook and the next instant the police will (17) . If one does not drive a car, it may well be dangerous for him or her to go out alone in the evening. At first I did not take this warning seriously. (18) , my two encounters with the Black people (19) dusk in the neighborhood were so unpleasant and frightening that I have (20) shut myself evenings in my room, in almost all studying, imposing a curfew on myself.




