问题 阅读理解


     April 27 is a special day in Britain. It's called Take Our Daughter to Work Day. It was brought to Britain

in 1994 from America. On that day thousands of girls take a day off school and go with one of their parents

to their work places. By doing this, it can teach girls more about the society where they live.

     Now the girls can have a close look at what their parents are doing. This may help them to be calmer

when they have to choose a job. Mary experienced a day of work at her mother's office. This helped her

understand her mother's work better. She said that this made her feel more confident about her future. Schools

and many companies support the activity, too. Some schools even make the day a necessary part of school


     Experts think that girls with more self-confidence are more likely (可能的) to be successful than common

girls. If parents can set good examples both at work and at home for them, they will do better than others.

Take Our Daughter to Work Day is surely a step in the right direction.

1. Where was Take Our Daughter to Work Day brought?

A. From America.

B. From China.

C. From Canada.

D. From Australia.

2. On Take Our Daughter to Work Day, thousands of girls _________.

A. go on a journey with their parents

B. have a party with their friends at home

C. go to the work places of one of their parents

D. take part in a school activity freely

3. What's the advantage by doing such an activity?

A. It can help girls understand their parents' work better.

B. It can teach girls more about the society.

C. It can make girls feel more confident about their future.

D. All of the above.

4. Which of the following is NOT true about Take Our Daughter to Work Day?

A. It is a special activity on April 27 in Britain.

B. Schools and many companies support this activity.

C. Many girls like this day because they won't go to school.

D. Some schools even make the day a necessary part of school life.

5. According to the experts, being _________ is the most important to girls in their future.

A. smart and careful

B. confident

C. hard-working

D. friendly


1-5      ACDCB

多项选择题 案例分析题

案例二 (一)资料 2014年3月,某审计组对乙公司2013年度的财务收支进行了审计。乙公司主要从事钢材产品的加工和贸易业务。有关审计的情况和资料如下: 1.为了检查乙公司生产和存货业务循环内部控制的有效性,审计组准备实施如下审计程序: (1)检查生产通知单是否连续编号; (2)检查永续盘存记录是否由财会部门负责; (3)抽查领料凭证是否经由生产部门经理的批准; (4)抽查乙公司若干月份的存货盘点记录。 2.经审计组确认,乙公司2013年产成品发运单的最后一个顺序编号是8498。在检查主营业务收人相关账簿与凭证时,审计组发现下列情况: (1)编号为8478的发运单于2013年入账; (2)编号为8513的发运单于2013年入账; (3)编号为8512的发运单于2014年入账; (4)编号为8486的发运单于2014年人账。 3.在对产品成本的审查中,审计人员注意到2013年末原材料明细账显示,螺纹钢数量为零,而金额为红字1350万元。 4.审计组发现,乙公司仓库中存放着以下类型的存货: (1)第三方寄销的镀锌板; (2)来料加工的电工钢; (3)已办理提货手续并确认销售但尚未装运的高强钢; (4)已验收入库但尚未付款的螺纹钢。 5.根据审计人员以往的经验,某些大型贸易企业会通过产品循环销售的手法虚增销售业绩,即在产品实物不转移的情况下,将货物销售给客户后再进行回购,为避免过高税费支出,其出售与回购的价格差异较小。审计组决定将该问题列为审计重点。 (二)要求:根据上述材料,为下列问题从备选答案中选出正确的答案。




