问题 阅读理解
       1   It has been used as a product full of nutrition. Our bodies need it for their development and also to
help them to recover after a disease.
     The microelement (微量元素) content of honey is similar to that of our blood.   2   In honey, the
percentage of vitamins and minerals differs according to the kind of nectar (花蜜) used by the bees and
the quality of the soil where the plants grow.    3     The latter is the most valuable in its healing (治疗)
       4   Put one teaspoonful of honey in a glass of milk before going to bed and you will certainly have
sweet dreams that night.
     If you feel sick because you have eaten too much one day, or you have a stomachache, then their
solution is a glass of water with honey and lemon. Moreover, a sore throat is not a problem any more if
you have a cup of tea with honey.
     Singers use honey when they have problems with their voices or before a concert when they really feel
exhausted.   5  , they use them for their hair, nails and bodies.
A. Honey is mostly used as a natural sedative (镇静剂) when you have problems with your sleep.
B. Honey is helpful for losing weight.
C. That is why it is so well assimilated (吸收)by our bodies.
D. For women, beauty products made of honey can be very helpful.
E. Honey, a wonderful gift of nature to mankind, has been well known since ancient times.
F. What determines the quality of honey is the kind of bees and flowers.
G. There are kinds of honey, including mono flower honey, meaning the honey is made of only one type
     of flower, and polo flower honey, which is made in mountainous areas.

1-5: ECGAD


        5月31日是世界无烟日(World No-Tobacco Day),“自20世纪50年代以来,全球范围内已有大量流行病学研究证实,吸烟是导致肺癌的首要危险因素。为了引起国际社会对烟草危害人类健康的重视,世界卫生组织1987年11月建议将每年的4月7日定为“世界无烟日”,并于1988年开始执行。自1989年起,世界无烟日改为每年的5月31日。学校为了响应“中国青少年远离烟草行动”的号召,组织同学们开展了一系列活动,请按以下要求完成各项活动。














