Deaths per(每) 100,000 Population in Town A form the Following Causes(1960-1969)
1. Of every hundred thousand citizens in Town A _______ died of T.B. in 1965.
A. 134
B. 59
C. 60
D. 65
2. According to the chart, what’s been the NO. I killer in Town A in the last ten years?
A. Heart trouble
B. T.B.
C. Cancer
D. Accidents
3. If 1,200 people died in Town A from accidents in 1967, the population of Town A that year was
about. .
A. 96, 000
B. 100,000
C. 150,000
D. 1,500,000
4. What percent of the total deaths were because of cancer in Town A in 1966?
A. 1.64%
B. 0.164%
C. 16.4%
D. 1.63%
1-4: CADC