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     All across the country, kids are heading back to school. Despite advice from the nation's secretary

of health and human services, recess(课间休息) and physical education have in many schools been

cut back or canceled. While most of kids are eager to catch up with friends, the general feeling is that

"playtime is over."

     Summer vacation does offer most children a bit of free playtime — the sort that leads to physical

activity and self-organized play, often in short supply during the school year. Still, it's not enough.

Playtime shouldn't be limited to summer vacation: it's important all year.

     For most American children in the past, "going out to play" was the norm. Today, according to a

University of Michigan study, children spend 50 percent less time outside than they did just 20 years

ago. There is a direct line between lack of play and some frightening public health and social trends:

tragic statistics for obesity(肥胖), 4.5 million children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder(ADD)

(儿童多动症), an increase in childhood depression and classroom behavioral problems, and an

inability to interact well with peers.

     Just an hour a day of active play-running, chasing, games like dodge ball—can provide intense skill

learning. Physical activity is known to lessen the symptoms of mild attention deficit disorder, and

reduces the risk of childhood obesity. Active kids can perform better academically in the long term.

     We should be aware of how important play is to one's development. Even a play-deprived social

mammal(哺乳动物) like a rat or monkey will become unable to tell friend from enemy, and poor at

handling stress when it enters adulthood. My studies of young murderers revealed that most had lacked

normal, developmentally appropriate play as children and pre-adolescents.

     Play is fun, but ultimately it is also useful. The smarter the animal, the more they play. For humans,

play refreshes us because it gets us in touch with our core selves and the joy of life.

     I feel sad about the kids who have given up on play for another nine months. Their devaluation of

play is a tragic loss for them and for our society.

1. Children lacking playtime may have the following problems EXCEPT__________.  

A. to become fat  

B. to suffer from depression  

C. to fail to get along well with others  

D. to murder their peers

2. Active play is beneficial to children because __________.  

A. it inspires children to catch up with their friends

B. it is the best way to cure children with obesity  

C. it helps children to improve academic achievement

D. it can teach children to tell friend from enemy

3. "A play-deprived social mammal" refers to an animal that__________.  

A. has lost chance to play   

B. requires enough playtime

C. enjoys playing very much  

D. knows the importance of play

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?  

A. The article was written before the summer vacation.  

B. American children lack playtime during the school year.  

C. Schools give children more playtime in the new semester.  

D. Children with ADD should play less than normal children.

5. Which of the following will be the best title?  

A. Summer Vacation is over  

B. What Playtime Brings to Children  

C. Lack of Play Leads to Problems

D. Let the Children Play


1-5: D C A B D

单项选择题 A1型题