问题 选择题

西汉中期的汉元帝初元二年,“六月,关东饥,齐地人相食。秋七月,诏曰:‘岁比灾害,民有菜色,惨怛于心。已诏吏虚仓廪,开府库振救,赐寒者衣。……阴阳不和,其咎安在?公卿将何以忧之?其悉意陈朕过,靡有所讳。’”汉元帝下诏罪己的思想因素是(  )







题目分析:汉武帝为了大一统的政治需要,采纳董仲舒罢黜百家,独尊儒术的建议,确立了儒家的正统地位。董仲舒从解释儒学的经典着手,建立了一整套神学世界观,使儒学走上了宗教化的道路。他提倡 天人感应 的神学目的论,在政治上论证了专制统治的合法性和合理性,它虚构天的至高无上,以树立皇帝的最高权威,来维护和加强人间君主的统治。但同时借此对君权产生了一定程度上的限制作用,历史上皇帝下诏罪己就是该影响的表现。




Black wallet with some money.

Come to Room 502 in the evening, or call 9796788.


A boy or a girl to deliver newspapers.

Hours: 6:30 a. m. t0 8:00 a. m. Mon. to Sat.

Pay: $10 per day

Call Mr. Jones at 8947659.

               SUMMER JOB

Do you like to talk with people?

Do you like to write stories?

Do you want to work for a magazine?

Then come and work for us as a reporter.

Please call Karen at 5558823.

                HIKING CLUB

Join us for a 10-mile country walk on Saturday, October 5th.

Children and dogs are welcome.

Meet at the Market Square at 2 p.m.

Call Jeff on 3338651 for more information.

                   SINGLES' CLUB

A club for single (单身的)  people looking for new friends.

Ages: 25—40

Activities: parties, swimming, concerts, dances

We meet every Friday at 8:30 p. m.

28 Garden Street    Tel: 7026449

E-mail: singleclub@yahoo. com  

1.  If you have lost a black wallet, you can call _____ to ask for it.

    A. 3338651                    

    B. 8947659

    C. 7026449                    

    D. 9796788

2. Mr. Green wants to go hiking with his children They should meet at the Market Square _____. 

    A. at 8:00 a. m. on Saturday        

    B. at 2 p. m. on October 5th

    C. at 6:30 a. m. on Monday        

    D. on Sunday morning

3. Who can join the Singles' Club?

    A. A 23-year-old young man.          

    B. A 28-year-old single man.

    C. A 50-year-old single lady.          

    D. A 28-year-old married lady.

4. Alice wants to practice writing stories in her summer holidays.  She may _____  for more information.

    A. send an e-mail to singleclub @ yahoo. com

    B. join the Hiking Club

    C. call Karen

    D. call Mr. Jones
