问题 探究题



A.沐歌乐灵气 育文化精英

B.诗意沙区 心灵栖居

C.灵秀小山城 文化大观园

D.天赋山水画廊 人育文化景林









  南开中学校园里宁静的一隅,名为“津南村”的小院,曾是著名教育家,南开校长张伯苓居住的地方,青砖瓦顶,北方院落的格局气派,隐喻着中华文化的方正质朴。张伯苓不仅为积贫积弱的中国培养了一大批人才,更为中 * * 的振兴奉献了毕生精力。那句振奋人心的“中国不亡有我在”,不仅激励了无数爱国学子,打动了像张 * * 那样手握重权的文臣武将,更是鼓舞了亿万民众抵抗日本帝国主义的信心。












(3)问题如: * * ,请问你是怀着怎样的心情撰写《我所认识的蒋介石》一书对蒋的专制独裁统治进行揭露的?冰心奶奶,青少年文学创作需要注意哪些问题?校长,你对南开校训“允工允能日新月异”是如何理解的?(问题要有价值)

     Every year, the Olympic Training Centre has one extra special day just for girls and women. This day
celebrates the fact that   1   can participate in any particular sport they desire, just as  2   as men.
     In the old    3   ,women were told that certain sports were for men   4   , and that women were forbidden to
the   5   . Well, eventually the women of this world decided to strike back, telling   6   else that they weren't
going to put up   7   this form of nonsense any longer.   8   was then that women and men were declared
equal   9   to any sports game, regardless of (不管)   10   .
      Tomorrow, this special day will be   11   by all Olympic Centers by offering a free tour as well as planned
activities for all the   12   from the neighboring schools. Since the Olympic Training Center, here in San Diego,
is just a few   13   from where our school is located, we  14   an invitation to this event as well. What a ball this
event will be! How wonderful,   15   , and incredible! I simply can't wait!
     Our scheduled   16   were volleyball, archery, and track. This means that we were to play a game  17   two
of volleyball with the US Volleyball Team champions,and   18   arrows with the Official Archery Team of the
United States! We even got to  19   the track with the US champs as well. All the instructors were   20   
themselves, and all are on a championship team, representing America.

( )1. A. men          
( )2. A. easily       
( )3. A.days          
( )4. A.enough        
( )5. A.training      
( )6. A. no one       
( )7. A.along         
( )8. A.It            
( )9. A.pay           
( )10. A.age          
( )11. A. congratulated
( )12. A. students      
( )13. A. kilometers   
( )14. A. sent         
( )15. A. moving       
( )16. A. activities   
( )17. A. while        
( )18. A. make         
( )19. A. run          
( )20. A. riders       

B. women       
B. busily      
B. weeks     
B. just        
B. practice    
B. anyone      
B. with        
B. This        
B. rights      
B. sex         
B. separated   
B. teachers    
B. centimeters 
B. posted      
B. exciting    
B. films       
B. and         
B. find        
B. swim        
B. runners   
C. young children     
C. quickly            
C. months           
C. ever                
C. drills              
C. everyone           
C. about               
C. That              
C. salary              
C. height              
C. celebrated         
C. boys                
C. millimeters        
C. received            
C. surprising         
C. plays               
C. but                 
C. throw               
C. jump                
C. divers            
D. old people    
D. early         
D. years         
D. only          
D. games         
D.  someone      
D. without       
D. What          
D. jobs          
D. weight        
D. divided       
D. girls         
D. meters        
D. wrote         
D. pleasing      
D. concerts      
D. or            
D. shoot         
D. cross         
D. athletes      