问题 阅读理解与欣赏


  季布者,楚人也。为气任侠,有名于楚。项籍使将兵,数窘汉王。及项羽灭,高祖购求布千金,敢有舍匿,罪及三族。季布匿濮阳周氏。周氏曰:“汉购 * * 急,迹且至臣家, * * 能听臣,臣敢献计;即不能,愿先自刭。”季布许之。乃髡钳季布,衣褐衣,置广柳车中,并与其家僮数十人,之鲁朱家所卖之。朱家心知是季布,乃买而置之田。诫其子曰:“田事听此奴,必与同食。”朱家乃乘轺车之洛阳,见汝阴侯滕公,谓滕公曰:“季布何大罪,而上求之急也?”滕公曰:“布数为项羽窘上,上怨之,故必欲得之。”朱家曰:“君视季布何如人也?”曰:“贤者也。”朱家曰:“臣各为其主用,季布为项籍用,职耳。项氏臣可尽诛邪?今上始得天下,独以己之私怨求一人,何示天下之不广也!且以季布之贤,而汉求之急如此,此不北走胡即南走越耳。夫忌壮士以资敌国,此伍子胥所以鞭荆王之墓也。君何不从容为上言邪?”汝阴侯滕公心知朱家大侠,意季布匿其所,乃许曰:“诺。”待间,果言如朱家指。上乃赦季布,拜为郎中。


  楚人曹丘生,辩士,事贵人赵同等,与窦长君善。季布闻之,寄书谏窦长君曰:“吾闻曹丘生非长者,勿与通。”及曹丘生归,欲得书请季布。窦长君曰:“季 * * 不说足下,足下无往。”固请书,遂行。曹丘至,即揖季布曰:“楚人谚曰'得黄金百斤,不如得季布一诺',足下何以得此声于梁楚间哉?且仆楚人,足下亦楚人也。仆游扬足下之名于天下,顾不重邪?何足下拒仆之深也!”季布乃大说,引入,留数月,为上客,厚送之。季布名所以益闻者,曹丘扬之也。(选自《史记?季布列传》)

1.对下列句子中加粗词语的解释,不正确的一项是(  )




D.季 * * 不足下——说:谈论。

2.下列各组句子中,加粗词的意义和用法相同的一组是(     )

A.①夫忌壮士资敌国   ②意将隧入攻其后也

B.①朱家乘轺车之洛阳  ②问今是何世,不知有汉

C.①何示天下之不广   ②此天子气,急击勿失

D.①仆游扬足下之名天下 ②良曰:“长臣。”

3.下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是(     )



















     Suppose you work in a big firm and find English very important for your job because you often deal with foreign businessmen.Now you are looking for a place where you can improve your English,espeually your spoken English.
     Here are some information you need about English Language training.
     Global English Centre  
*General English in all four skills listening,speaking,reading and writing
*3-month(700 yuan),6-month(1,200 yuan)and one-year(2,000 yuan) courses
*Choice of morning or evening classes,3 hours per day,Mon-Fri
*Experienced college English teachers.
*Close to city centre and bus stops.
Tel:67605272  Add:105 Zhongshan Road,100082

Modern Language School
*Special courses in English for business,travel,banking,hotel management and office skills.
*Small classes(12-16 students)on Sat,& Sun,from 2:00-5:00pm.
*Native English teachers from Canada and USA.
*Language lab and computers supplied.
*3-month course:1,050 yuan;6-month course:1,850 yuan.
Write or phone:Modern Language School,675 Park Road 100056
The 2lst Century English Training Centre
*We specialize in effective teaching at all levels.
*We offer morning or afternoon classes,both of which last three months and a half at a cost of 800 yuan.
*We also have a six-week TOEFL preparation class during winter and summer holidays.
*Entrance exams:June 1 and Dec 1
*Only 15-minute walk from city centre.
Call 67801642 for more information

The International House of English
*Three/Six-month English courses for students of all levels at very cost:60 yuan for 12 hours per week;convenient class hours:9:00-12:00am and 2:00-5:00pm.
*A four-month evening programme for developing speaking skills(same cost as day classes)
*Well-trained Chinese and foreign teachers experienced in teaching English as a second/foreign language.
*Free sightseeing and social activities(活动)
*Very close to the Central Park.
For further information call 67432308
1.You work from 9:00am to 4:30pm every day which schools will you choose?

A.Global English Centred and the International House.
B.Global English Centre and Modern Language School.
C.Modern Language School and the 21st Century.
D.The 21st Century and the International House

2.The 21st Century is different from the other three schools in that____.

A.its teaching quality is better
B.it is nearest to the city centre
C.it requires an entrance examination
D.its courses are more advanced

3.You will probably prefer to go to the International House because it____.
A.offers free sightseeing and social activities

B.costs less than the other schools
C.has a special course in spoken English
D.has native English teachers

4.If you take the evening programme at the International House,you will pay about___

A.60 yuan
B.240 yuan
C.730 yuan
D.1000 yuan

5.The passage is most probably taken from_____.

A.travel book
B.a library guide
C.advertisements from newspapers
D.a project handbook