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根据下列案情材料,按照《法律文书写作》教材中的要求,拟写一份第一审刑事判决书。  20××年×月××日,××市人民检察院以×检×诉[20××]××号起诉书,指控被告人张鹏飞犯故意杀人罪,向××市中级人民法院提起公诉。人民法院受理案件后,依法组成合议庭,由李艳丽担任审判长,审判员为张玉忠、王澜,书记员为赵海涛,于20××年×月××日对案件进行了公开审理。××市人民检察院指派检察员王利兵、许建国出庭支持公诉。××市××律师事务所律师李涛、王建花作为张鹏飞的辩护人出庭参加诉讼。案件审理终结后,××市中级人民法院依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第二百三十二条、第五十七条第一款、第六十七条第一款的规定,以(20××)×刑初字第××号判决书作出如下判决:一、被告人张鹏飞犯故意杀人罪,判处死刑,剥夺政治权利终身。二、作案刀具予以没收。  人民法院经审理查明的案件事实如下:20××年×月××日22时许,被告人张鹏飞驾驶×B302NO号黑色雪佛兰轿车从××大学返回××市,当行至××市××街时,将前方在非机动车道上骑电动车同方向行驶的被害人赵巧撞倒。张鹏飞下车查看,见赵巧倒地呻吟,因担心赵巧看到其车牌号后找麻烦,遂拿出背包中的一把尖刀,向赵巧胸、腹、背等处猛刺数刀,致赵巧主动脉、上腔静脉破裂大出血当场死亡。杀人后,张鹏飞驾车逃离现场。四天以后,张鹏飞在其父母陪同下到公安机关投案,如实供述了杀人的经过。  认定张鹏飞犯罪事实的主要证据有:报案材料、现场勘查笔录、尸体检验鉴定报告和证人证言等。被告人张鹏飞对庭审中指控的犯罪事实亦供认不讳。  ××市人民检察院指控:20××年×月××日22时许,被告人张鹏飞驾驶×B302NO号黑色雪佛兰轿车从××大学返回××市,当行驶至××市××街时,撞倒前方同方向骑电动车的赵巧,张鹏飞下车查看,发现赵巧正倒地呻吟,因怕赵巧看到其车牌号后找麻烦,遂产生杀人灭口的恶念,于是从随身携带的背包中取出一把尖刀,对倒地的赵巧连捅数刀,致赵巧当场死亡。杀人后,被告人张鹏飞驾车逃离现场。四日后,张鹏飞在其父母陪同下到公安机关投案。经法医鉴定:死者赵巧系胸部锐器刺创致主动脉、上腔静脉破裂大出血而死亡。公诉机关认为:被告人张鹏飞开车撞人后,又持刀故意非法剥夺他人生命,手段残忍,情节恶劣,后果严重,其行为触犯了《中华人民共和国刑法》第二百三十二条之规定,应以故意杀人罪追究其刑事责任。  在庭审中,辩护人李涛、王建花律师提出:张鹏飞具有自首情节,系初犯、偶犯,认罪态度好,真诚悔罪。建议对张鹏飞从轻处罚。  人民法院审理后认为:被告人张鹏飞在发生交通事故后,因担心被害人赵巧看见其车牌号以后找麻烦,遂产生杀人灭口之恶念,并用随身携带的尖刀在被害人胸、腹、背等部位连刺数刀,致赵巧当场死亡,其行为已构成故意杀人罪。××市人民检察院指控被告人张鹏飞故意杀人的犯罪事实清楚,罪名及适用法律正确,应予支持。张鹏飞虽系初犯、偶犯,但如此恶劣、残忍的故意杀人犯罪,显然不能从轻处罚。因此,辩护律师的辩护理由不能成立。被告人张鹏飞作案后到公安机关投案,依法认定为自首。但是,张鹏飞在开车将被害人赵巧撞伤后,不但不施救,反而因怕被害人看见其车牌号而杀人灭口,犯罪动机卑鄙,手段残忍,情节特别恶劣,后果极其严重。被告人张鹏飞仅因一般的交通事故就杀人灭口,丧失人性,人身危险性极大,依法应予严惩。被告人张鹏飞,20××年×月××日因涉嫌故意杀人罪被刑事拘留,同年×月××日被逮捕,现羁押于××市看守所。19××年×月××日张鹏飞出生于××省××市,男,汉族,××大学学生,住××市××区××街×号。  附:  1.《中华人民共和国刑法》第二百三十二条规定:故意杀人的,处死刑、无期徒刑或者十年以上有期徒刑;情节较轻的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。  2.《中华人民共和国刑法》第五十七条第一款规定:对于被判处死刑、无期徒刑的犯罪分子,应当剥夺政治权利终身。  3.《中华人民共和国刑法》第六十七条第一款规定:犯罪以后自动投案,如实供述自己的罪行的,是自首。对于自首的犯罪分子,可以从轻或者减轻处罚。其中,犯罪较轻的,可以免除处罚。


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As any diplomat from Britain, Austria or Turkey can tell you, handling the legacy of a vanished, far-flung empire is a tricky business. But for Georgia, the gap between old glory and present vulnerability is especially wide.

Today’s Georgia is diminished by war, buffeted by geopolitics and recovering from post-Soviet chaos. But 800 years ago the country was a mighty military, cultural and ecclesiastical force. Its greatest monarch, Queen Tamara, defeated many foes (including her first husband) and built fine monuments. In her time, Georgia also had a big stake in the Christian life of the Holy Land. From Jerusalem to the Balkans, Georgia’s priests, artists and church-builders were active and respected. So too were its poets, like Shota Rustaveli, the national bard who dedicated an epic to his beloved queen.

In between seeking western aid and coping with power cuts, modern Georgia has pledged to keep a wary eye on every place where churches, inscriptions and frescoes testify to its golden age. That includes Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and above all, Israel. Last year, Georgians were enraged when a fresco of Rustaveli, in a Jerusalem church under the care of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, was defaced, then badly restored. This year, a better restoration was done, but Georgians now want a promise that in all future restoration their own experts can take part. They also want to stop the seepage of Georgian frescoes and icons, supposedly under the Patriarchate’s care, on to the art market. Several times, Georgia has had to use its meagre resources to buy back pieces of the national heritage. The hope is that things will improve with the recent election of a new Jerusalem Patriarch, after his predecessor was ousted under a cloud of scandal.

Georgia’s ties with Israel are good, thanks to a thriving Georgian-Jewish community with happy memories of its homeland. Georgia also gets along with Greece, amid a fug of sentimentality over legends about the Argonauts that link the two nations. But can these warm, fuzzy feelings translate into better protection for an ancient culture That will be a challenge for Geld Bezhuashvili, who succeeds Salome Zourabichvili, the French-born diplomat who was sacked, after a power struggle, as Georgian foreign minister on October 19th.

The author’s attitude toward the transformation mentioned in the last paragraph is ()

A. affirmative

B. critical


D. cautious
