问题 问答题

五种短周期元素A、B、C、D、E的原子序数依次增大,A和C同族,B和D 同族,C离子和B离子具有相同的电子层结构.A和B、D、E均能形成共价型化合物.A和B形成的化合物在水中呈碱性,C和E形成的化合物在水中呈中性.回答下列问题:








五种短周期元素A、B、C、D、E的原子序数依次增大.A和B形成的共价化合物在水中呈碱性,该化合物为NH3,则A为氢元素、B为氮元素;A和C同族,C的原子序数大于氮元素,故C为Na元素;B和D 同族,则D为磷元素;C和E形成的化合物在水中呈中性,则E为Cl元素,




(2)由A和B、D、E所形成的共价型化合物分别为NH3、PH3、HCl,非金属性越强氢化物越稳定,故热稳定性最差的是 PH3














     Children don't come with an instruction manual (手册),but now their grades in school do! Finally,

parents can stop worrying about what their child's next school year will bring and get a glimpse of what's


     Education.com,an easy-to-use,one-stop online destination with over 4,000 articles,that helps parents

and educators take an ever more active role in their children's education,unveiled Grade Specific Cheat

Sheets for grades pre-school through grade 5.From academic expectations,developmental milestones,and

typical social issues,to fun learning activities that literally bring it all home,parents can now find it all in one


     "As the school year approaches,parents struggle to find time to adequately prepare themselves and

their children for what's ahead," said Ron Fortune,CEO of Education.com."Every grade is different.

Whether it's helping parents understand what their third grader should be reading or how they should be

talking to their teen about peer pressure,our goal is to provide parents with a grade and developmental

stage-specific user manual that helps parents find authoritative information as quickly as possible."

     The start of a new grade means many new questions.Now,a parent with a child about to embark

(开始) on a new school year can go to Education.com's new Grade Specific Cheat Sheets and find

age-specific information and content including what their child should be learning in math,reading,writing,

and science,as well as physical and language milestones.Parents can find over forty articles per grade,on

everything from peer relationships to self-esteem,how gender affects development,to ideas for using

goldfish crackers for math practice or making a homemade fossil.

     Education.com's new Grade Specific Cheat Sheets provide parents with articles and content from

trusted sources such as teachers,child psychologists,parents,and guidance counselors.  

1.The passage wants to tell us __________.

A. something about Education.com

B. how to cheat in the exam

C. new studying method for children

D. cheating is a good thing in the school

2.The goals of Education.com are the following except __________.

A. helping parents and educators educate children

B. providing parents with authoritative information

C. providing children with some cheating skills

D. giving parents some useful articles

3.The role of Education.com is __________.

A. passive          

B. big          

C. small        

D. active

4.From the passage,we can know __________.

A. the content includes what should be learned in many subjects

B. the content does not come from trusted sources

C. the content is intended mainly for the children

D. the content is not related with pre-school students

5.The words "unveil" in the second paragraph is closest to __________ in meaning.

A. cover          

B. uncover        

C. discover    

D. invent