问题 判断题






     It is said that more than four-million people die each year from smoking. That number is increasing.

Seven in ten of those deaths are in developing countries. These numbers are frightening.

     Yet people around the world continue to smoke. In the United States, about forty-seven-million adults

(成年人) smoke. This year alone, more than four-hundred-thirty-thousand Americans will die of diseases,

which have something to do with smoking. One day last month, thousands of Americans tried to stop

smoking. They were taking part in the Great American Smokeout. The American Cancer Society has

founded the Great American Smokeout every year for twenty-five years to show the dangers of smoking

and provide support for people who decide to stop smoking. The American Cancer Society says smoking

harms the body greatly. It warns that smoking even a small number of cigarettes (香烟) is dangerous.

     It is not easy to give up smoking. However, doctors say you probably will live longer if you do stop

smoking. You will feel better and look better. You also will protect the health of family members who

breathe your smoke. 

      The American Cancer Society says there is not just one right way to stop smoking. They say any way

to stop smoking that is effective (有效的) is worth trying. This could include (包括) taking long walks or

spending time in places where smoking is not allowed. Also, you could eat a small piece of fruit or vegetables

instead of having a cigarette. The American Cancer Society says the sooner smokers stop smoking, the more

they can reduce their chances of getting cancer and other diseases. (from VOA)

1. What is the population of those who die from smoking in developing countries?

A. 4, 000, 000

B. 2, 800, 000

C. 7, 000, 000

D. 430, 000

2. Why was the Great American Smokeout founded?

A. Because they wanted to let more people know the dangers of smoking.

B. Because they wanted to help people who decide to stop smoking.

C. Because they wanted to tell people that smoking was harmful and dangerous.

D. All the above.

3. According to the passage, the possible effective way to give up smoking is ______.

A. to take long walks.

B. to be away from places where smoking is not allowed.

C. to eat more fruit and more vegetables.

D. to make fewer friends.

4. What does the underlined word reduce mean in Chinese?

A. 增加

B. 减少

C. 诱发

D. 获得

5. If a person smokes, ______.

A. he will protect the health of family members.

B. he will die of cancer.

C. he will increase the chances of getting cancer and other diseases.

D. he will take part in Cancer Society.


阅读下面的文章,完成15-18题。 粮食 学群人和人见面,会问上一句:吃饭了吗?后来人们认为这样的问法很土,多半不这样问了,可是在乡下,那些种粮食的人,依旧这样问着,种粮食的人知道,他们问的是天底下最重要的一桩事,是生命中不可或缺的事情。 阳光在泥地上扎根生长,那便是生命,在这个世界上,有许多植物动物,用不同的方式获取阳光,最后又把它们身上的阳光传递给我们。它们就是我们的粮食。人类的一切,无不根植于粮食之中,无处不在的粮食,恰恰又是最容易被忽略被蔑视被糟蹋甚至被篡改的东西。 农业时代,就是将一些植物和动物生长直到走向餐桌的过程完整地置于人的面前,让人参与其中,一粒稻谷,从发芽到分蘖抽穗,到最后长成谷粒,那是天和地还有人一同来到一株稻秧上的结果。为了这,你需要一块合适的土地,需要将人与畜的劳作连同肥料一起加入泥土,还需要一份阳光一份雨水,稻子长成了,鸟会飞过来啄走一些,还有一些,会从人的收获中悄悄溜走,逃进泥土的怀抱。这样一粒经历了艰辛曲折甚至是传奇一生的稻子,当它来到餐桌上时,人怎么会随随便便对待呢?农夫和他们的妻儿都相信,糟蹋粮食会遭电打雷劈。 养一头猪是一个家庭屋顶下的大事件。一个“家”字早就说出了一头猪在家庭中的地位。一家人就像对待命根子一样对待它,喂它养它,为它搔痒,为它梳理毛发,清除上头的虱子。当年,我的爷爷奶奶就这样在家里养猪。 猪养大养肥了,整个村子都知道。一头猪大了,就得送往肉食站,就像男儿大了就得出门,女儿大了就得出嫁一样。送猪的头天晚上,奶奶特意往猪潲里多放了些红薯皮和糠,爷爷奶奶一齐过去,看着它吃,看它吃得那样开心,两位老人都有些于心不忍:它不知道这是它的最后晚餐。 送猪用的独轮车已经备好,奶奶特意在上头垫了一只麻袋,这是她能够为她的猪做的最后一件事情了。独轮车转动起来,一路上的坎坷,全都通过那只上了辐条的木轮来到猪身上,在它腹部和肥膘上颤动、晃荡。猪跟着颠簸一路哼哼唧唧,起伏大叫得也响,叫得响肥膘也荡得汹涌一些。那不是一般的肥膘,那是春荒时的粮食,一家人的命根,路的一端传来奶奶的呼唤: “猪娃子耶,回来哟!”像是招魂,又像在呼喊着粮食。大机器时代,人与食物,生命与他的源头被切断,来到人们面前的,只剩下大米、面粉和肉食,甚至连这些都不是,只是米饭、面包和精美的菜肴,或者干脆是一包包袋装的食品。一头接一头的猪或牛,被倒挂在流水线上,就那么嗞的一下,顷刻被一分为二,分别流向两边的生产线,被切割被包装,成为食品流向市场。轰鸣的机器对食物对生命不再怀有敬意,只有喧腾与暴力,再加上冷血与不可一世的狂妄,机器颠覆了粮食,也在颠覆吃粮的人和吃本身。吃饭成了工作,成了闲暇,成了友谊,成为角力场,成为我们的出发点和目的地。 化肥和激素应运而生,改写了季节,改写了雨水,改写了大地和太阳的行期,改写了生命的密码,通往食物的路变得简单快捷,变得容易,农药又恰好可以代表人类的贪婪与凶恶在这个世界上出席,删改本属于上天的事情,人对于食物不再怀有敬意,有的只是贪婪的占有,只是吞噬撕咬带来的快感。饥饿已经远去,食物因多而贱,没有了饥饿,我们拿什么去尊敬食物呢?对食物的敬意没有了,我们拿什么去尊敬自己呢? 小的时候,看到我的老祖父拾掇撒落的饭粒放进嘴里,一料,两料,缓缓地咀嚼,仿佛在从事一项极其庄严、极其神圣的事业。是啊,这是我们一生都要从事的事业。我们一生中的哪一天停了下来,生命也会随之停顿。 我现在还清楚地记得,一家人围着一张桌子晚餐的情景:整个屋子只为这样一件事情而存在,油灯因为它而照耀,地球为了它从白天转到了夜晚!建阳零点,我们吃得最多的是红薯;那时候,我们讨厌红薯;但恰恰是这些红薯,还有少量稻米把我们喂养成人,红薯、麦子和稻米,正是它们决定了我后来的人生。后来我们看事物想问题,都带上它们的痕迹。 从一粒稻米身上,我听到一条江的流声,听到雪山在冬眠,又听到阳光在催它上路,听到去在飘,风在吹,雨水和泥土在窃窃私语。由此我知道,世间万事,人心的重量,全都可以用一颗麦子或是一粒稻米来称量。我知道,粮食不但进入血肉,也成了我们的灵魂。 (毛片《散文》,2013年第10期。有删节)
