问题 阅读理解
Lily, Singapore
     May, a girl from Taiwan, is the most confident girl that I have ever met. She looks tough (强悍).
I lack (缺少) confidence and I am quite shy. We have very different personalities (个性). This is why
we are such good friends.

Mary, Canada
     My best friend is Ana. We spent a lot of time together until we were 12 years old in Canada. Then
I moved to America with my family. When I went to college in New York, I saw Ana in my class.
We can study together again.

Ben, Australia
     My best friend is Fanny. I got sick with flu and she came to take care of me. She is also very
bright, although sometimes she gets angry. She yells (大声喊叫) at me for always being late.

Kate, Japan
     I love to spend time with Dick. We share the same sense of humor, enjoy talking about the funny
things we did when were children, and tell jokes.
1. May is _____.
A. a Chinese
B. a Singaporean
C. a Japanese
2. Lily's personality is _____ than May's.
A. tougher
B. shyer
C. more confident
3. Which of the following is RIGHT?
A. Mary and Ana are in Canada now.
B. Mary and Ana first met at the age of 12.
C. Mary and Ana study in the same college now.
4. When Ben is late, Fanny usually _____.
A. takes care of him
B. gets sick
C. gets angry 
5. What is mentioned in Kate's description?
A. Moving to the USA with parents.
B. Enjoying talking about funny things.
C. Studying in the same school.

1-5 A B C C B


求助者:女性,29岁,工人。 案例介绍:求助者结婚两年,但因工作关系,一直两地分居。最近,经常因小事与丈夫发生争执。目前处于"冷战"的状态,非常苦恼。 下面是心理咨询师与求助者的一段咨询谈话: 求助者:我们俩总是吵架,我都快烦死了,现在失眠、健忘,还爱发脾气,经常注意力不集中,很影响工作,您说我该怎么办? 心理咨询师:请你说说吵架的具体原因,行吗? 求助者:我们本来见面机会就少,只能电话联系,总是我打给他。最可气的是,他的电话还经常占线。后来发现他那是在跟别人聊天。为这事我跟他吵了好多次,可他就是不听,说是跟同事有事。我现在一听占线,气就不打一处来,恨不得把电话都摔了。我跟他说,再这样没法跟你过了。可他还是老样子,我现在已经快一个多月没理他了,您说我该怎么办? 心理咨询师:你觉得你因为什么生气? 求助者:我对他这么好,可他为什么会对我这样? 心理咨询师:我似乎明白你的意思了,你是说你希望他像你一样经常主动地给你打电话,时时刻刻地关心你,是吗? 求助者:是的,最起码能够随时找到他。 心理咨询师:你对他的关心是经常给他打电话,他就一定要像你对他那样的对你吗? 求助者:……(沉默)好像也不一定……是我对他的要求太高了? 心理咨询师:你觉得你对他的要求是否合理?他对你其他方面都不好吗? 求助者:好像也不是,他对我的父母和我都挺好,每月都按时往家里寄钱。 心理咨询师:是啊,其实夫妻之间的关心除了打电话外,还有很多表达方式,打电话并不代表全部,是吗? 求助者:我好像明白点了,可我一打不通他的电话,就特别生气,什么坏的想法都来了。你说我该怎么办? 心理咨询师:你先回去好好想一想,下次咱们再接着谈,好吗? 求助者:好的,谢谢您。





