(2)如果有几块宽度大小不同的平行玻璃砖可供选择,为了减小误差,应选用宽度_________(填“大”或“小”) 的玻璃砖来测量。
(2)如果有几块宽度大小不同的平行玻璃砖可供选择,为了减小误差,应选用宽度_________(填“大”或“小”) 的玻璃砖来测量。
It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes. The __ __ has been on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by learning situation that has designed for the children. There can be little doubt that classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner. However, to take these out of the regular classes may create serious problems. Many are concerned that gifted children become and lose interest in learning. However this concern is more often from parents and teachers than from students, and some of these simply conclude that special classes should be set up for those who are talented. Some top students do feel bored in class, but why they so goes far beyond the work they have in school. Studies have shown that to be bored is to be anxious. The gifted child who is bored is an child.