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As a scourge of the modern society, obesity has become the world’s biggest public-health issue today — the main cause of heart disease, which kills more people these days than AIDS, malaria, war. Since the World Health Organization labeled obesity an "epidemic" in 2000, reports on its fearful consequences have come thick and fast. Will public-health warnings, combined with media pressure, persuade people to get thinner, just as they finally put them off tobacco Possibly. In the rich world, sales of healthier foods are booming and new figures suggest that over the past year Americans got very slightly thinner for the first time in recorded history. But even if Americans are losing a few ounces, it will be many years before the country solves the health problems caused by half a century’s dining to excess. And, everywhere else in the world, people are still piling on the pounds. That’s why there is now a consensus among doctors that governments should do something to stop them.



解析:肥胖是现代社会的灾难,目前已经成为最严重的公众健康问题,心脏病主要因肥胖而起,肥胖夺去的生命比艾滋病、疟疾和战争还要多。2000年世界卫生组织把肥胖定性为“流行病”,从此人们纷纷探讨肥胖能够引发的严重后果。媒体的压力,健康的警告,能否使人们的体重有所减轻,就如同当初使人们远离烟草一样 的确有可能。在富裕的发达国家,健康食品的销售量不断上升,最新数字表明在过去的一年,美国人的体重有史以来首次有所下降。然而纵使美国人体重有所减轻,美国要解决半个世纪以来因饮食过度带来的健康问题还得等到多年以后。而且,在世界其他地区,人们的体重仍然在不断上升。正因此,目前医生一致认为各国政府应当采取措施抑制人们不断肥胖的发展趋势。1.As a scourge of the modern society, obesity has become the world’s biggest public-health issue today, the main cause of heart disease, which kills more people these days than AIDS, malaria, war. 译文:肥胖是现代社会的灾难,目前已经成为世界最严重的公众健康问题,心脏病主要因肥胖而起,肥胖夺去的生命比艾滋病、疟疾和战争还要多。 本句就结构而言,并不复杂,主句为obesity has become the world’s biggest public-health issue today,前面带一个“As a scourge of the modern society”同位语,后面“the main cause of heart disease”为宾语的同位语,“which kills more people these days than AIDS, malaria, war.”为定语从句修饰宾语。可以将该句分成几个简单的短句来翻译。scourge n.意为灾难,灾祸,“A source of widespread, dreadful affliction and devastation such as that caused by pestilence or war”涉及面广的令人害怕的苦难和破坏的根源,例如由瘟疫或战争引起的。英语中有许多近义词,看似相似,表达的意义却有差别。比如说“胖”,chubby表示小孩子胖嘟嘟的模样,如:a chubby toddler圆嘟嘟蹒跚学步的小孩;chubby cheeks胖嘟嘟的脸蛋。plump表示女性身材悦目的丰满。obese和corpulent都指总体超重,如:Her father is too corpulent to play handball. (她父亲太胖以至于不能玩手球。) fleshy指肉过多,如:firm, fleshy arms (结实、肉多的胳膊);stout指身材矮胖、粗壮的人,如:Even slim girls can become stout matrons.(甚至苗条的女孩也能变成强健的妇女。) rotund含有身材圆滚的意思,常常译作“圆胖”。本句obesity指导致身体不健康的胖,译成“肥胖”比较合适。2.Since the World Health Organization labeled obesity an "epidemic" in 2000, reports on its fearful consequences have come thick and fast. 译文:2000年世界卫生组织把肥胖定性为“流行病”,自此人们纷纷探讨肥胖会引发的严重后果。 本句带由“since”引导的原因状语从句,主句中“thick and fast”是“大量而急速地;频频”的意思。 thick有不少固定搭配的词组,有着固定的意义。如: thick and fast adv.密集地thick.and-thin adj.甘苦与共的,始终不变的,忠实的 thick as hail adj.纷至沓来的 thick on the ground遍地皆是,多得很本句可以采用逆序翻译,添加一个主语“人们”,进行引申翻译为“从此人们纷纷探讨肥胖能够引发的严重后果”。本句涉及联合国国际组织,现就近几年考题中常见的联合国组织名称及简写列举如下:3.Will public-health warnings, combined with media pressure, persuade people to get thinner, just as they finally put them off tobacco 译文:媒体的压力,健康的警告,能否使人们的体重有所减轻,就如同当初使人们远离烟草一样 本句中,主句为一般疑问句,后面带一个由just as引导的状语从句。combined with和词组as well as,together with,along with一样,用于连接两组并列的信息,连接两个名词词组,因此不必要译成“结合”。put off是固定词组,意思是“推迟、延迟”。put…off…则表示“使……远离或戒除……”。4.In the rich world, sales of healthier foods are booming and new figures suggest that over the past year Americans got very slightly thinner for the first time in recorded history. 译文:在富裕的发达国家,健康食品的销售量不断上升,最新数字表明在过去的一年,美国人的体重有史以来首次有所下降。 本句中rich world需要引申翻译为:富裕的发达国家,boom vi.意为激增,暴涨;迅速发展,兴旺,通常用于形容经济繁荣,产品销售非常好,上下文是词语意义的载体,翻译时上下文是决定词语意义的决定因素,尤其是对于英语中存在的多义词语,必须在上下文中确定其意义,切忌先人为主。如本句中的suggest不可译作“建议”,而是“说明”,figure与身材无关,这里表示统计的数字。in recorded history翻译时需要稍作变通,并非“有记录的历史”,而是指“有历史记载以来”。5.But even if Americans are losing a few ounces, it will be many years before the country solves the health problems caused by half a century’s dining to excess. 译文:然而纵使美国人体重有所减轻,美国要解决半个世纪以来因饮食过度带来的健康问题还得等到多年以后。 it is/was(a period of time)before…,这个句型适合转变表达方式,不说“在……之前有多长时间”,而说“……需要等到多长时间以后”,这便是所谓的反译。6.And, everywhere else in the world, people are still piling on the pounds. 译文:而且,在世界其他地区,人们的体重仍然在不断上升。 直译和意译:由于文化和语言表达方式的差异,翻译不可能做到百分之百的直译,如果直译意思不能够对等,或者表达效果比较牵强,就应该采用意译的方式,改换表达方式来表达出原文的意义。如本句中的pile on the pounds不适合译成“堆积许多磅”,它说明的是体重增加的现状,可以换一种表达方式。7.That’s why there is now a consensus among doctors that governments should do something to stop them. 译文:正因此,目前医生一致认为各国政府应当采取措施抑制人们不断肥胖的发展趋势。 词类的转换:英语中存在许多抽象名词,是静态的语言。汉语动词是构成句子的主体,是动态的语言。所以转译是基本的翻译技巧,常常把英语的抽象名词转译为汉语的动词,如本句中的consensus可以由名词意义“共识”转译为“一致认为”。 代词的翻译:英语的指代频繁,上文提及的人、事物或情况,下文往往会用代词替代。英译汉时必须把握好代词所指代的名词,明确其意义,在汉语中省略或者重复译出。如本句的them指代上文的“人们”,但实际上却暗指人们越来越胖的趋势或者人们让自己越来越胖的做法,翻译时要明确。
