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     For thousands of years,people have been debating the meaning of happiness and how to find it. From

the ancient Greeks and Romans to current day writers and professors,the debate about happiness

continues. hat makes some happy? In what parts of the world are people the happiest? Why even study

happiness? The Greek philosopher Aristotle said that a person's highest happiness comes from the use of

his or her intelligence. Religious books such as the Koran and Bible discuss faith as a form of happiness.

The British scientist Charles Darwin believed that all species were formed in a way so as to enjoy

happiness. People throughout history may have had different ideas about happiness. But today,many

people are still searching for its meaning.

     How do you study something like happiness? You could start with the World Database of Happiness at Erasmus University in Rotterdam,the Netherlands. This set of information includes how to define and

measure happiness. Some findings are not surprising. For example,the database suggests that married

people are happier than single people. Peoplewho like to be with other people are happier than unsocial

people. But other findings are less expected: People with children are equally happy as couples without

children. And wealthier people are only a little happier than poorer people.

     Positive psychology is the new term for a method of scientific study that tries to examine the things that make life worth living instead of life's problems. Traditional psychology generally studies negative situations like mental suffering and sickness. But positive psychology aims to study the strengths that allow people

and communities to do well. Thereis also an increasing amount of medical research on the physical qualities of happiness. Doctors can now look at happiness at work in a person's brain using a method called

magnetic resonance imaging (核磁共振成像),or MRI. For example,an MRI can show how one area of a person's brain activates when he or she is shown happy pictures. A different area of the brain becomes

active when the person sees pictures of terrible subjects.

1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?

A. People are searching for the meaning of happiness.

B. Happiness is an everlasting topic for discussion.

C. Current day scholars are debating about how to make people happy.

D. People have begun to realize the importance of understanding happiness.

2. The Bible tells us happiness comes from ________.

A. the application of one's intelligence      

B. the strong belief in religion

C. a certain degree of good faith          

D. the trust in one's ability

3. The findings of the database imply that couples without children are ________.

A. as happy as people with children      

B. less happy than people with children

C. happier than unsocial people        

D. a little happier than wealthier people

4. As an approach of scientific study,positive psychology focuses on ________.

A. mental suffering

B. psychological sickness

C. examining what makes life worth living    

D. strengths that enable people to succeed

5. MRI is used in the study of happiness in order to ________.

A. find out the physical quantities of happiness    

B. look at the images formed in people's brain

C. study the reaction of the brain to happiness    

D. understand the pictures of terrible subjects









(3)姜老师班上的住校生共29名,像尚百秋这样穷的孩子11名。家里没饭吃,爹娘又不全。每月四块五角钱的伙食费全靠他们自己去挣。春天钓泥鳅,夏天抓鱼、挖黄鳝,秋冬到岗上砍草拾柴,他们把全部的星期天和每日早早晚晚都用来挣饭钱。十四五岁的孩子,一个个长不出个儿,面黄肌瘦。两只手皴出一道道血口子,也舍不得买盒二分钱的蛤蜊油。砍一担草不容易,街市上人欺小,狠杀他们的 价。眼前这担草能卖上五六角钱就算孩子幸运了。这担草,她要定了,她怎么也能多给他两天的伙食钱。姜老师就挑起草,准备先送回家,明天再给他钱。担子一上肩,心里一惊:这担草少说也有80斤。一把骨头的尚百秋竟能挑得起?可孩子正是挑着它被自己追得跌跌撞撞跑了这么远!心一酸,落下一行泪来。她放下担子,走近厕所,“百秋啊,老师家里等柴草用,我先挑去,明天给你钱。”尚百秋突然由厕所里冲出来,拽住扁担:“姜老师,这草……这草不能卖给您!”“嗯?”“是——是别人订了的。”“哎呀,你怎么不早说呢——不对,你扯谎,谁订的?住哪儿?我跟你去!”拽着扁担的手不松,“姜老师,这担草不好,尽碎的。”“碎点就碎点儿,我是烧饭,又不拾掇房子!”“姜老师,这草太湿!”“没事儿,我晒晒。”尚百秋要哭了,“那,那这草就送给您了,您别给我钱!”说完,低了头拼命跑开。姜老师摇摇头,叹了口气。空着手的尚百秋她是追不上的。



















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