荷塘公司从月色公司购买真皮沙发2套,价款为2万元,双方签订合同,约定如发生纠纷可向北京仲裁委员会申请仲裁。交付后,荷塘公司发现该沙发并非真皮制成,便向仲裁委员会申请仲裁,请求退货。 请回答下列问题。
如果在仲裁中,荷塘公司和月色公司达成和解协议,向仲裁委员会申请撤回仲裁后,月色公司未按和解协议履行其义务,荷塘公司正确的处理办法有( )。
In the early 1970’s, Citibank of New York City became one of the first financial institutions to install ATM’s on a large scale. Since then, the (1) of automated teller machines has increased dramatically. At the time, the bank hoped (2) their operating costs by replacing human tellers with machines. Little did they (3) that the cash machines would become so successful. However, as more banks added (4) automated service through ATM’s, the machines mushroomed all over the world. To use an ATM, all you need is a (5) issued by your bank. Your bank may also (6) through a credit card, such as MasterCard or Visa. To begin a (7) , you need to insert the card into an ATM and punch in a personal identification number on the (8) . The personal ID number may consist of (9) and can prevent anyone from using the card. The ATM next flashes instructions on its (10) for carrying out transaction. To get cash, for example, you are instructed to (11) that indicate whether the money should be withdrawn from a checking or a savings account and the (12) . This request is then displayed on the screen. After you press a button to (13) that the information is correct, the ATM goes to (14) .How safe, you may ask, is banking by ATM The (15) is meant to prevent anyone, no matter who you are, from using a cash card (16) . If you enter the wrong ID number for a card, a message on the screen will (17) . If you fail to produce the correct number for three times, most machines will (18) .As another precaution against (19) , the bank generally limits the amount that may be withdrawn by cash card (20) , say, to $ 200.