问题 填空题


Kitty was the name Anne gave to her diary.

During________Second World War Anne was

among the Jewish who were forced to________(躲藏)

away from their homes.I was deeply________(感动)

when I read about her feelings in her diary.

________a girl she was!Even though she might

lose her life at any time, she would never l________

heart.She wanted very much to go back to nature,

l________at a deep blue sky and listening to the

songs of the birds.But things were d________.In

order not to be________(捕获) by the German

Nazi, she and her family stayed in an attic (阁楼)

w________the windows shut all day.Nature

seemed a distant dream to Anne.That________


1. the  2.  hide  3.  moved/touched  4. What  5.  lose

6. looking  7.  different  8. caught/arrested  9. with 10.was
