问题 阅读理解与欣赏


刘   宽






1.对下列句子中加点的词的解释,不正确的一项是    (    )

A.州里服其不校            校:计较。

B.灾异或见,引躬克责      躬:自身。

C.人感德兴行,日有所化     化:风俗人心的变化。

D.其性度如此              度:推测。

2.下列各组句子中,加点的词的意义和用法相同的一组是    (    )

A.①故吾惧其死也           ②昔其用武而不终也

B.①认者得牛而还             ②君子博学而日参省乎己

C.①惭负长者,随所刑罪     ②而为秦人积威之所劫,

D.①见父老慰以农里之言     ②而从六国破亡之言






4.“物有相类,事容脱误,幸劳见归,何为谢之”在文中的正确意思是    (    )





5.下列句子分别编为四组,能表现刘宽行为宽厚仁慈的一组是:    (  )

①虽在仓卒,未尝疾言遽色              ②齐之以刑,民免而无耻

③但用蒲鞭罚之,示辱而已,终不加苦    ④臣不敢醉,但任重责大,忧心如醉

⑤宽须臾遣人视奴                      ⑥宽神色不异,乃徐言日:“羹烂汝手?”

A.①②⑤    B.①④⑥        C.③⑤⑥    D.②③④

6.下列对原文的叙述与分析,不正确的一项是    (




D.刘宽性情温和慈爱。夫人在早晨会客时让侍女故意以肉汤污其官服以试其会不会发   怒,但刘宽不但神情自若,反而关心侍女烫伤了没有。


1.D。应为气量,胸襟。2.D。结构助词,用于定语与中心词之间,相当于“的”。A①人称代词表单数,相当于“他"。②人称代词,表复数,相当于“他们”。B①连词,表示顺承关系,相当于“就”。②连词,表示递进关系,相当于“而且”。 C①用在动词“刑罪"之前,构成“所”字结构。②表示被动。3.①刘宽什么也没说,卸下驾车的牛交给失牛的人,自己步行而归。②用刑罚来整治百姓,百姓就会只求逃避刑罚而没有了羞耻之心。③刘宽曾经在座位上显出醉酒入睡的样子。④刘宽曾经招待客人,派仆人去买酒。4.B。类:相似 容:允许 脱误:言行有误。见归:归还给我5.C。①表现其温和。②表现其以德为政的主张。④表现其一心为政。6.D。应是准备上朝,已穿好官服的时候。






In an age of perpetual digital connectedness, why do people seem so disconnected In a Duke University study, researchers found that from 1985 to 2004, the percentage of people who said there was no one with whom they discussed important matters tripled, to 25%; the same study found that overall, Americans had one-third fewer friends and confidants than they did two decades ago.

Another recent study, by researchers at the University of Michigan, found that college students today have significantly less empathy than students of generations past did. The reason, psychologists speculate, may have something to do with our increasing reliance on digital communication and other forms of new media.

It’s possible that instead of fostering real friendships off-line, e-mail and social networking may take the place of them—and the distance inherent in screen-only interactions may breed feelings of isolation or a tendency to care less about other people. After all, if you don’t feel like dealing with a friend’s problem online, all you have to do is log off.

The problem is, as empathy wanes, so does trust. And without trust, you can’t have a cohesive society. Consider the findings of a new study co-authored by Kevin Rockmann of George Mason University and Gregory Northcraft at the University of Illinois who specializes in workplace collaboration. Northcraft says high-tech communications like e-mail and (to a lesser extent) videoconferencing—which are sometimes known as "lean communication" because they have fewer cues like eye contact and posture for people to rely on—strip away the personal interaction needed to breed trust. In a business setting—as in all other social relationships outside the workplace—trust is a necessary condition for effective cooperation within a group. "Technology has made us much more efficient but much less effective," said Northcraft in a statement. "Something is being gained, but something is being lost. The something gained is time, and the something lost is the quality of relationships. And quality of relationships matters."

In Rockmann and Northcraft’s study, 200 students were divided into teams and asked to manage two complicated projects: one having to do with nuclear disarmament; the other, price fixing. Some groups communicated via e-mail, some via videoconference and others face to face. In the end, those who met in person showed the most trust and most effective cooperation; those using e-mail were the least able to work together and get the job done.

Northcraft thinks this is because real-life meetings, during which participants can see how engaged their colleagues are, breed more trust. Over e-mail, meanwhile, confirmation of hard work gets lost, which tends to encourage mutual slacking off.

Which of the following could best summarize the passage()

A. Digital communication is hurting personal relationship

B. Online networking may take the place of offline relationship

C. New media contribute less to fostering real friendship

D. Real-life meetings can breed trust among students