问题 实验题


(1)神经系统结构和功能的基本单位是       ;完成反射的神经结构是       

(2)用橡皮槌叩击[①]处,若小腿弹起,说明该反射的神经结构完整,[①]         、 [②] 传入神经、[③]        、[④]传出神经、[⑤]     功能健全;从反射类型看,该反射属        反射。

(3)正常人测试时若刻意控制,也可不使小腿弹起。此时,该反射属       反射,神经中枢除脊髓外,还有            皮层的参与。


(1)神经元(或“神经细胞”)、反射弧  (2)感受器、神经中枢、效应器、简单(或“非条件”) (3)复杂(或“条件”)、大脑

题目分析:(1)构成神经系统结构和功能的基本单位是神经细胞,也叫神经元;反射弧是完成反射的神经结构。(2)图中的①是感受器,接受刺激后能够产生神经冲动;②箭头指向脊髓中的神经中枢,故而是传入神经,可将感受器产生的神经冲动传给神经中枢;③位于脊髓的灰质中,属于神经中枢;④箭头从脊髓灰质指向股四头肌,因而是传出神经,将神经中枢传出的神经冲动传给效应器;⑤是股四头肌,属于效应器.此反射的神经中枢位于脊髓,所以是非条件反射。(3)若我们刻意地控制此反射,则需要大脑皮层的参与,故这样的反射属于条件反射。故答案为:(1)神经元(或“神经细胞”)、反射弧  (2)感受器、神经中枢、效应器、简单(或“非条件”) (3)复杂(或“条件”)、大脑

     A good friend of mine, Gabriel, had a tiny farm in a small town. He only had a cow and dreamed about
having a(n)   1   farm. He looked at the horizon (地平线) every sunset and once he told his father, "I'd like
to have that   2   over there?" His father   3   him to go and talk to the landowner to see   4   they could obtain
the land. Gabriel replied, "But we don't have the   5  ." His father said, "Don't worry, go and talk to him."
     Several years have passed and now Gabriel not only   6   the land but a theme park that   7   several hundred
cows, a small zoo, horse ride cabalgatas (马队), four-wheel motors and much more fun of the whole family 
  8  .
     A year ago, when the park was already   9   a huge number of tourists, Gabriel's wife Sarah had a dream.
"I want to build the  10  cow in the world," she said.
     They called a friend, Manuel Hernandez, for this  11 . In three days he had plans for the whole project. Then
they asked,"How much will it  12 ?" Manuel mentioned a big sum of money. 
     " 13  will loan (借贷) us that quantity of money to build a cow," they thought, but the manager of the bank 
 14  them and their dreams.
     Last October, La Manuela, the biggest cow in the world was  15  to the public. It is 9 meters tall and 16
meters long. The cow  16  eats you...and you travel inside the cow learning how grass is changed into  17 .
     Moral of the story. If you can dream about it and you put all your  18  and foremost desire to make it happen,
it will become a(n)  19  despite how difficult or  20  it may sound.
( )1. A. tiny         
( )2. A. cow          
( )3. A. encouraged   
( )4. A. why          
( )5. A. message      
( )6. A. plants       
( )7. A. includes     
( )8. A. education    
( )9. A. requiring    
( )10. A. strongest   
( )11. A. experiment  
( )12. A. cost        
( )13. A. Everybody   
( )14. A. employed    
( )15. A. led         
( )16. A. actually    
( )17. A. tree        
( )18. A. equipment   
( )19. A. imagination 
( )20. A. expensive   
B. remote        
B. land           
B. allowed       
B. what           
B. chance         
B. discovers     
B. buys         
B. enjoyment     
B. organizing     
B. cleverest     
B. task          
B. save         
B. Anybody       
B. interviewed    
B. opened         
B. nearly       
B. milk         
B. nutrition      
B. effect        
B. comfortable
C. old             
C. factory          
C. demanded       
C. how               
C. time              
C. owns           
C. feeds         
C. work             
C. attracting        
C. bravest        
C. risk            
C. spare         
C. Nobody            
C. lent            
C. delivered         
C. especially     
C. food            
C. energy           
C. result         
C. foolish     
D. large             
D. family          
D. reminded        
D. when                 
D. money             
D. rents            
D. saves        
D. rest                
D. sending           
D. biggest          
D. test            
D. pay         
D. Somebody             
D. trusted          
D. passed             
D. eventually     
D. wood             
D. information        
D. reality         
D. practical