问题 阅读理解

When you take a walk in any city, you often see a lot of people walking dogs. It is still true that a dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world, but the reason why people keep a dog has changed. In the old days people used to train dogs to protect(保护) themselves against attacks by other beasts. Later they came to realize that a dog was not only useful for protection but willing to obey his master. For example, when people used dogs for hunting, the dogs would not eat what was caught without permission.

These days people in the city need not protect themselves against attacks from animals. Why do they keep dogs, then? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery(抢劫). But the most important reason is for companionship. For a child, a dog is a best friend when there are no friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their child when they have no children. For old couples, a dog is also their child when their natural children have grown up. So the main reason why people keep dogs has changed from protection to friendship.

67. According to the passage, in the old days people trained dogs ______ .

for protection against robbery

just for fun

for companionship

for protection against other animals

68. The word "companionship" may mean ______ .

A. native     B. advice     C. friendly relationship(关系) D. usage

69. The dogs were used for hunting because ______ .

A. they were good hunters

B. they obeyed their masters

C. they were useful for protection

D. they did not eat other animals

70. The most important reason for people to keep dogs now is they ______ .

A. need companion

B. like children

C. enjoy hunting

D .want to protect themselves

71. We can infer from the passage that ______ .

A. dogs can be helpful to those who need company

B. city people always feel lonely

C. dogs can be boring (厌烦的)

D. the city can be a very dangerous place


67-71 DCBAA


一位著名的行为遗传学研究人员说,随着科学家们开始寻找乐观生活态度后面潜藏的脱氧核糖核酸,人们对快乐的研究深入到了遗传学领域。 国立卫生研究院的行为遗传学家迪安·哈墨说:“很明显,有些基因使人们总的来说感到快乐一些或者悲伤一些。” 但是他说,即便在庞大的人类基因组计划工作的能干的DNA搜寻人员找出仅仅一个快乐基因的可能性也是______的。涉及的基因也许多达几十个。使研究工作更不明确的将是环境在其中、所起的作用。一些研究表明,即使像微笑这样简单的行为也能激发大脑中一些使人愉快的化学物质。 这项研究表明,基因对安乐感的影响比抚养方式、社会经济状态和教育体制的影响更大,后几种情况“实际上没有影响”。哈默说:“快乐的高度可遗传性解决了社会学和心理学研究中长期存在的一个谜,即也许顺利的生活和社会经济上的成功对‘乐观向上的态度’几乎没有影响。换句话说,为什么金钱买不来幸福应该有其生物学亡的原因。”哈默说,基因对于使人产生良好感觉的大脑化学物质多巴胺的调节至少可以用来很好地解释部分作用




