问题 单项选择题











        失败者对于成功,一方面是羡慕不已,另一方面是急躁不安,巴不得一口吃成个大胖子。殊不知成功是由(   )成(   )与(   )功(   )两个字组成的(   )成是功的积累叫做(   )功到自然成(   )     


       一滴水从檐楣上掉下来,重重地落在石头上, “啪”的一声炸出一朵水花,可是石头上看不到丝毫的痕迹。然而,经过一年、两年……坚硬的石头终于被水滴滴穿。     

       如果成功很容易,无需奋斗就能达到的话,如果成功不是需要功的积累,不需要努力攀登的话,那成功就会变得廉价,成功就失去了它原有的耀人的色泽, 那我们还要成功干吗?     

       李时珍跋山涉水,遍尝百草,数十年如一日地搜集整理,才有药学巨著《本草纲目》的问世;司马迁游历名山大川,博览经典秘籍,遭受宫刑,忍辱负重, 笔耕不辍,才有《史记》的诞生。     

       在走向成功的路上,既无捷径,也没有宝葫芦, 所以与其坐着羡慕别人“成”,倒不如站起来积累自己的“功”。须知,任何一朵鲜花的盛开,都需要花苞长期孕育;任何一枚勋章都要成功者付出相应的代价。成功是自私的,它绝不会将辉煌施舍给懒汉;成功又是公平的,它会毫不保留地将满天的灿烂星光照在坚持不懈的奋斗者身上。    



    “成”和“功”有着密切的关系。成功对于懒汉来说是                       的,对于奋斗者来说又是                  的。     






Passage Four

The face of the 21st century is already growing in a laboratory. Getting a piece of the new look could soon be as simple as writing a cheque.
Scientists in recent years have made giant leaps in the artificial production of skin, bones and tissue. While their research has been motivated by a desire to help accident and medical victims, their work is about to go commercial.
The burgeoning (萌芽) cosmetic surgery market has snapped up the technological advances. By the turn of the 21st century, changing your face or improving your body will be limited not by your imagination or desire, but by the size of your bank account.
And there is even work being clone on that, with the costs of cosmetic surgery being cut to make it affordable and accessible for the average woman and her partner.
"It’s no longer a vanity thing, it’s simply making use of the available technology to improve those parts of the body you might not be happy with," Cindy Clovetti, a Toronto-based skin and beauty care expert, said. "People who 10 years ago said they would never use a computer and would never get a boob job (胸部整形手术) are now surfing the web getting the latest information for their next operation. "
Latest figures in the United States indicate the number of patients receiving cosmetic surgery in 12 months will top the magic million within two years (there were 850 000 last year), while the number of men seeking image-improving operations has increased 35 percent in the past four years.
Breast implants are now very much a bread-and-butter job for many cosmetic surgeons and the big advances have been made in the development of bone implants which can produce instant high cheek bones, sculpture better shaped noses and ears and give men the chisel-shaped jaw that is always a sure-fire (必定成功的) chick-magnet (吸引女人的东西).
British futurologist Ian Pearson speculates that by 2020, up to 96 percent of body weight will be replaceable with the brain being the only organ not interchangeable. "By 2020 you could have a new face, or new skim. and by 2030 a fully working replacement body part. By the end of the 21st century, people will be able to get an entirely new body. "

The sentence "...changing your face or improving your body will be limited not by your imagination or desire, but by the size of your bank account. " (Para. 3) means that

A.if you want to change your face or improve your body, you can do it easily

B.if you have enough money, you can undergo any cosmetic surgery

C.the technology will advance beyond your imagination

D.the technology will develop rapidly if there is enough fund