日本发展为经济发达国家的主要原因之一是[ ]
日本发展为经济发达国家的主要原因之一是[ ]
I pulled into the driveway of my Mum’s house and saw my two-year-old daughter’s smiling face staring out the window at me. Vanessa had stayed with her grandma for a week, while her mommy, Georgia ,was in hospital 36 complications(并发症) in her second pregnancy. Vanessa, who missed her room and toys, 37 awaited the arrival of daddy to pick her up and take her to see her mother. After the visit we’d go home where I had a surprise for her. Vanessa and I spent an hour with Georgia and then 38 home. I got Vanessa out of her snowsuit, 39 on the sofa and sat beside her. “Vanessa, you know you’re going to have a new brother or sister soon.” “I know, Daddy. Mommy’s bringing it home with her.” “That’s right .”I smiled. “well, the baby is going to need a 40 to sleep in. I hope you don’t mind, but I put your cradle in the new baby’s room.” “Where will I sleep, Daddy?” “ Follow me.” I led her down the hall to her room. “I have a 41 for you.” When Vanessa turned the corner and screamed with pleasure. “It’s a bed ,Daddy! My very own bed!” She 42 up and down on the mattress with 43 happiness on her face. “ I guess this means I’m growing up,” said Vanessa. First beds are first milestones. For the first time we are free to get out of bed without 44 someone lift us from our cradles. We are trusted to handle the freedom with respect and are expected to 45 new rules. First days of school, first loves, firsts jobs,first homes or apartments, first child;they’re all 46 in life. Each comes with 47 and responsibilities and it all starts with the first bed..