在中国,还有另外一句流传甚广的话,叫做“无商不 * * ”,认为商人“唯利是图”,与君子重义轻利的追求背道而驰,所以在传统文化中经商是被人看不起的职业。但是,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,从商“下海”已经变成许多年轻人择业时的第一选择。现代年轻人选择职业时,已较少传统的观念,更具有现代意识。
参考答案:Mencius, an ancient Chinese sage, said. "Those who do mental labor govern, and those who do manual labor are governed. " This remark reflected the stratification of society in traditional Chinese culture, which exerted a direct influence on people’s choice of occupation. The "white collar" in the modern sense is a class admired by many people, while a person who belongs to the "blue collar class" is often under the pressure of being looked down upon, even when he earns high wages.
In China, there was another century-old saying: "All merchants are unscrupulous." They were believed to be solely bent on profit-seeking, a practice which ran counter to the pursuit by men of virtue who valued justice above personal interests. Therefore, in traditional culture, to be engaged in trade was despised by many people as a lowly occupation. However, with the development of the socialist market economy, to go in for business has become the first choice of many young people in their career development. In choosing their profession, young people of contemporary times have more modern ideas than traditional modes of thinking.