问题 阅读理解


     (Mrs. Jones, the headmaster, is telling the students some information about the trip.)

     Now, here's some information about our school trip. As usual we will spend the first four days in Paris.

We'll have a sightseeing tour of the city and we'll also visit some of the famous places like the Eiffel Tower

and the Louvre. From Paris we'll travel down to the south of France near Marseilles by boat. We'll spend five

days there.

     Last year we went by coach, but we found that the journey was too long and we didn't have enough time

to do everything. So this year we will go by train. I will provide more information about the schedule (日程安


     There will be 80 students on the trip. We will travel in three groups and there will be three teachers with

each group. I will go with Group One.

     I hope that everyone on the trip will have a good time, but please remember that it is an educational visit,

not a boliday. There will be some for swimming and other spots, but we are going to France to study French

culture and use the French language as much as possible.

1. What are the students going to France for?

A. To do some sports.

B. To have an educational visit.

C. To spend their holiday.

D. Only to do sightseeing.

2. How many times have they been to France?

A. Once.

B. Twice.

C. Three times.

D. Never.

3. How long will they stay there?

A. Three days.

B. Four days.

C. Five days.

D. Nine days.

4. Why don't they want to go by coach?

A. It will take too much time.

B. There are too many students.

C. They don't know how long it will take.

D. They cannot have a sightseeing on the way.

5. Which team will Mrs. Jones go with?

A. Group One.

B. Group Two.

C. Group Three.

D. Group One end Group Three.


1-5       BADAA


案情:自然人甲欲买房屋若干,遂于2005年5月1日到乙房地产公司售楼处了解乙开发建设的A楼盘情况。乙的销售人员称楼盘销售火暴,房屋成交量已达房屋总量的80%以上,如果甲不及时购买,可能再也买不到该楼盘的房屋,即使能买到,也要多支付10%以上的房款。甲领取了楼盘介绍资料后离去。建设部早在2003年出台文件,要求房地产公司必须即时在政府主管部门开通的网站上登记房屋销售的进展情况。甲遂于2005年5月1日晚上登录当地建委的房地产销售网了解A楼盘的销售情况,发现已售房屋仅占房屋总量的 40%。不过,甲考虑到该楼盘的价格较合适,竣工时间也较快,遂决定购买。
5月2日,甲向乙公司交付定金5万元,双方约定10日内签订正式合同。5月10日,甲乙签订三份房屋预售合同,约定甲购买乙开发建设的A楼盘B、C、D三套精装修房屋,价款为 500万元。乙赠与甲位于地下一层的车位一个,甲对该车位享有永久使用权。乙应于2006年3月31日前将经竣工验收合格的房屋交付于甲,并应于2006年6月30日前为甲办妥房产证。甲应于合同签订之日起10月内付款 150万元,余款350万元由甲通过向银行贷款来支付。
2005年冬季,为乙承建房屋的丁建筑公司为了加快工程进度,在混凝土中使用了含有氨气的添加剂,以提高其凝结的速度。由于乙没有及时向丁支付工程款,致使工程未能如期完工。乙直至2006年5月31日才将房屋交付于甲,但并未向甲交付车位。甲入住后,发现房屋内弥漫着刺鼻的气味,由于这种气味的刺激使眼睛经常流泪。经相关部门检验,该气味确定为氨气,其浓度高于国家标准数倍,且在1年内难以完全消除,氨气来源于丁使用的建筑材料。 2006年6月,甲再次到房地产销售网查询发现 A楼盘的已售房屋仅占房屋总量的60%,甲遂将乙诉至法院,提出如下请求:(1)撤销甲、乙之间签订的房屋预售合同;(2)乙支付违约金,标准为每日按房价的万分之两点一计算,起算时间为2004年6月1日;(3)乙赔偿损失,包括:①甲于2006年6月1日至2006年8月31日期间在外租房的租金4000元;②甲因氨气刺激而受到的精神损害20万元。乙提出反诉,要求撤销其对甲车位的赠与。
