物流服务需求企业在选择第三方物流服务商时要考虑的主要因素有( )。
物流服务需求企业在选择第三方物流服务商时要考虑的主要因素有( )。
One of my fondest Christmas memories was also one of our family’s bleakest(最令人沮丧的).We were just little kids , and on Christmas Day mom 21 us all around her to tell us , 22 ,that there would be no presents because all we really wanted was to 23 for our daddy.He was very sick . I don’t remember anything else except four little girls surrounding my mother, crying 24 a miracle(奇迹) At that very moment ,someone 25 loudly on the door. 26 Behind him was a merry group of soldiers from the Army base where my father 27 as a minister . News had 28 that we were in trouble ,and his colleagues knew we needed some 29 . With all the excitement ,even my dad 30 in a blanket to keep warm , came down and sat in front of a roaring fire in our room to watch his children be 31 by good Samaritants(乐善好施的人). The presents were unwrapped , and we girls 32 packages and found a doll each and four board games. What is 33 to me is that I don’t even remember what sickness my father was suffering from.I 34 remember an evening of laughter and 35 There were no expensive toys but 36 moments of friendship and fun given by young men who knew that a family was having a(n) 37 time . They gave their time and their 38 to little children who needed to laugh. The most important thing in life aren’t things . And what about the true 39 of holidays ? I hope we all are able to remember a thing about the holidays that stirs(搅动)our heart , that isn’t really a thing at all, but the smile on a child’s face because we take a moment to hug or 40 a tear.