问题 单项选择题

Passage 1

Which of the following is not true about "Aunt Maggie" a. Her name was Margaret Rarick. b. She was my grandfather’s half sister. c. She kept her maiden name. d. She was L. Rarick’s grandma.



解析:[听力原文]Which of the following is not true about "Aunt Maggie"

[分析]: 是非判断。 题千:下列关于麦琪姑妈的表述哪句是错误的 a选项为“她名叫Margaret Rarick。”;b选项为“她是我祖父同父异母的妹妹。”;c选项为“她保留自己婚前的名字。”;d选项为“她是L.Rarick的祖母。”。根据原文“…my father had given me the address of his‘Aunt Maggie,’Mrs.William Rarick of Everson, Washington”I learned that Aunt Maggie was my grandfather’s half sister.”;“The lady on the telephone took a long breath and hesitantly said,‘She was my grandmother.’”, Margaret的昵称是Maggie,所以a、b、d选项是正确的: c选项是错误选项,因为保留婚前名字的是L.Rarick,而不是姑妈。
