问题 单项选择题

杨某、谢某、丁某、李某四人是东村村民,他们均想参加选举清溪县县级人大代表的东村选区的直接选举,而杨某是因为盗窃罪被判处3年有期徒刑的正服刑的罪犯,谢某因为涉嫌斗殴而被清溪县公安局行政拘留,丁某是精神病患者,李某是一起强 * * 案的犯罪嫌疑人,该案正在刑事侦查中,李某被羁押在清溪县看守所。下列说法哪项正确

A.若主管李某强 * * 案的清溪县人民检察院或者清溪县人民法院没有决定停止李某的选举权利,那么李某可以参加投票



解析:[考点] 特殊公民的选举权
在我国,享有选举权的基本条件有三,一是具有中国国籍;二是年满18周岁;三是依法享有政治权利。除此以外,公民不周诸如民族、种族、性别、财产状况、居住期限、教育程度等任何外在因素的差别,而使享有选举权的资格受限制或剥夺。丁某虽患有精神病,但仍需经过选举委员会确认的,才不行使选举权利,故B项错误。李某是强 * * 案的犯罪嫌疑人,但检察院或法院并没有决定停止李某的选举权利,所以李某仍然可以参加投票,故A项入选。杨某虽在服刑,但他并没有被判处剥夺政治权利,所以仍然可以参加选举,故C项不能入选。谢某虽然正在受拘留处罚,但其选举权利并没有被剥夺,具有选民资格,可以在流动票箱投票,或者委托有选举权的亲属或者其他选民代为投票,所以谢某可委托廖某代为投票,故D项是不正确的。



In many societies, there is often greater acceptance of light skin than dark skin.Light skin may be seen as a mark of beauty, intelligence and success.These beliefs can lead to social pressure even within the same racial group.As a result, more and more people with dark skin are using skin-lightening products, even if they may face health risks.

Many people believe that having whiter skin will improve their lives.They think they will have a better chance of getting a job or marrying into a better family.Or they want to look like what their society generally considers beautiful.

Some beauty care products contain chemicals that make skin lighter.This process is also called bleaching (漂白).But some of the chemicals are extremely dangerous.One chemical has been linked to kidney (肾) damage and some kinds of cancer.It also causes low birth weight in babies when used by mothers-to-be.

At first, bleaching products make the skin color lighter.But after long-term use they can cause problems.The chemicals in the products block and break down the natural process that gives color to skin.The skin loses its natural barrier to protect against sunlight.Then the skin can become thick and discolored.Usually the person will use more of the product in an effort to correct the problem, but this only makes it worse.

Fatimata Ly treats skin problems in the Senegalese capital, Dakar.Doctor Ly says skin bleaching has become a problem throughout Senegal.She says the chemicals are now more dangerous because they are stronger.Some cases have resulted in blackened fingernails, infections and permanent skin damage.

And these are not the only risks.Experts say some people who change their skin color suffer emotional damage.They feel regret and sadness.They feel that instead of risking their health, they should have learned to love and accept their skin color as it was.

72.Why has skin lightening become popular all over the world?                          

A.There are many ways to help change skin color.                     

B.Many people with dark skin have no confidence.                     

C.Light skin seems to bring more advantages than dark skin.                          

D.People with dark skin are facing the pressure from their family.

73.According to the passage, people using bleaching products would risk _____             

A.thinner skin             B.low weight      

C.lung cancer       D.emotional damage

74.Which of the following is NOT true about bleaching products?                        

A.Some of them contain dangerous chemicals.                   

B.They will not make the skin color lighter.                    

C.They may cause skin damage.    

D.They are likely to bring health risks.

75.The writer's attitude toward using bleaching products is ________.           

A.supportive              B.positive               

C.uncertain         D.negative
