问题 问答题

某市一家摩托车生产企业,2008年生产经营情况如下: (1)外购原材料,支付价款600万元、增值税102万元,取得增值税专用发票;支付运输费用48万元,取得运输单位开具的普通发票。 (2)向国外销售摩托车800辆,折合人民币400万元;在国内销售摩托车300辆,取得不含税销售额150万元。 (3)发生意外事故,损失上月外购的不含增值税的原材料金额30万元。 (4)应扣除的摩托车销售成本300万元;发生管理费用90万元,发生销售费用40万元。 (注:增值税税率17%、退税率13%,消费税税率10%,城建税税率7%,企业所得税税率25%) 要求:按下列顺序回答问题:(1)计算该企业当年应抵扣的进项税额总和。 (2)计算该企业当年应缴纳的增值税。 (3)计算该企业当年应退的增值税。 (4)计算该企业当年应缴纳的消费税。 (5)计算该企业当年应缴纳的城建税。 (6)计算该企业当年实现的销售收入总和。 (7)计算该企业当年所得税前准予扣除的成本、费用、税金和损失总和。 (8)计算该企业当年应缴纳的企业所得税。



解析:(1)该企业当年准予抵扣的进项税额 =102+48×7%-30×17%-400×(17%-13%) =102+3.36-5.1-16=84.26(万元)(2)该企业当年应缴纳增值税=150×17%-84.26=-58.76(万元) 应纳税额小于0,不缴纳增值税。(3)该企业当年应退增值税: 免抵退税额=400×13%=52(万元),小于未抵扣完的进项税额58.76万元 应退增值税=52(万元)(4)该企业当年应缴纳的消费税=150×10%=15(万元)(5)当年应缴纳的城建税=15×7%=1.05(万元)(6)当年实现的收入=400+150=550(万元)(7)当年所得税前准予扣除的成本、费用、税金和损失 =300(成本)+90(管理费用)+40(销售费用)+15(消费税)+1.05(城建税)+(30 +30×17%)(损失) =481.15(万元)(8)当年应缴纳的企业所得税=(550-481.15)×25%=17.21(万元)



      Mr King goes to a dinner party. He is wearing old clothes. He comes into the room. But people

in the room don't look at him. They don't ask him to sit at the table. Mr King goes home and puts on

(穿上) his good clothes. He goes back to the party. Everyone in the room stands up and smiles (微笑)

at him. They give him very good food to cat. Mr King takes off (脱下) his clothes, and puts them in the

food and says, "Eat, clothes!" The other people ask, "What are you doing?" He answers, "I'm asking my

coat to eat food. I am wearing my old clothes. You don't look at me. You don't ask me to sit down.

Now I'm in these clothes. And you give me very good food.  Now I see. you. give the food to my

clothes, not to me ! "

1. Mr King goes to a _____.        

A. birthday party              

B. dinner party

C. evening party              

D. welcome party

2. Mr King goes home to _____ his _____clothes.          

A. put on, good              

B. puts on, fine

C. take off, good            

D. wear, good

3. Mr King goes back to the party with _____.          

A. his old clothes                  

B. a very good car

C. his good clothes                

D. a good watch

4. Mr King takes off his good clothes, and _____ them _____the good food.          

A. ask, to eat                      

B. asks, to eat

C. lets, to eat                      

D. ask, eat

5. Mr King says the good food is _____.         

A. for him                        

B. for his good clothes

C. for me                        

D. for his money
