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NAMEJulia Morley
ADDRESS18 Jackson Street Elizabeth, Arizona 852F6
PHONE NUMBER(632)5551212
E-MAIL ADDRESSjmarie@guet.net
HIGH SCHOOLRobert Morris High School
KEY COURSESComputer,3 years; Math,4 years; Chemistry,2 years
FOREIGN LANGUAGESJapanese,3 years(reading, writing, speaking);  French,2 years(reading, writing)
EXPERIENCEDelivering milk;taking food orders at Brown's
INTERESTSI like traveling and playing football. After school, I often play football with my friends and I usually travel on my holidays. I enjoy working with people and helping them.
REFERENCESMrs. Heather Singleton,Headmaster, Robert Morris High School and Mr. Michael Ambler. Manager of Brown's Restaurant
1. We can't find Julia Morley' ________ in the form.
A. interests
B. address
C. age
D. experience
2. Where has Julia ever worked?
A. In a restaurant.
B. In a police station.
C. In a post office.
D. In a computer company.
3. What is Julia interested in?
A. Traveling and cooking.
B. Playing basketball and driving.
C. Reading and writing.
D. Playing football and traveling.
4. According to the form, how many foreign languages does Julia know?
A. Two
B. Six
C. Five
D. Four
5. Which of the following is true?
A. Julia's phone number is(632)5550212.
B. Julia doesn't like helping others.
C. Julia spends two years learning Japanese.
D. Julia has ever worked in a restaurant.

1-5: CADAD

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