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第12—15 题为套题:在长期的发展过程中,经济增长、经济发展与员工福利制度变迁之间的关系一直是学术界持续关注的问题。了解他们之间的关系,有助于我们从宏观上把握员工福利制度发展的正确方向。

经济体制改革对员工福利的影响是重大而深远的。比如,保障水平过高会减损经济效率,并造成新的社会不公。因此,在当前推进我国经济体制改革的进程中,要注意经济体制改革和员工福利制度建设之间协调配套的问题。( )






A total of 4.6 million digital televisions have been sold, and the sales of HDTV sets have quadrupled since last year. Consumers have bought HDTVs to play their DVDs and to have clearer pictures and wide screens. Only a small percentage of the people who have purchased HDTVs, however, have actually hooked their TVs up to receive high-definition television digital signals. Perhaps television viewers are having trouble keeping up with the changes in technology. Even the manufacturers of HDTVs, like Mitsubishi, Thomson Multimedia, Sony, and Samsung seem to have a tough time learning how to make their sets work with the various digital TV formats because little standardization has been required or implemented in the industry.

Some of the HDTVs weigh over 200 lbs., and a variety of retailers offer a delivery service to the buyer’s home to help install the heavy sets. This is known as a white-glove service and usually comes with an extra fee. After HDTV purchasers get their sets home and hook them up, they will still need to work to get the digital signals to their systems. Most of the industry’s cable providers do not yet offer high~definition programing, and only about 15% of commercial television stations have switched over to even the lowest improved digital pictures. Worse yet, viewers may need to install antenna before they can even get the digital signals to their new HDTV sets. Another frustration for home-theater seekers is that the current HDTV sets allow owners only to watch high-definition programs, not to record them.

According to the first sentence, the sales of HDTV sets since last year, by the time when this article was written, had reached ().

A. 4.6 million

B. 9.2 million

C. 18.4 million

D. I do not know how many