问题 多项选择题


(2008,71)对于甲公司报送的申请材料,A省人民政府行政许可服务中心工作人员的正确做法是( )。







解析:【真题解析】 本题所考查的考点是行政许可的实施程序。《行政许可法》第32条规定:“行政机关对申请人提出的行政许可申请,应当根据下列情况分别作出处理:(一)申请事项依法不需要取得行政许可的,应当即时告知申请人不受理;(二)申请事项依法不属于本行政机关职权范围的,应当即时作出不予受理的决定,并告知申请人向有关行政机关申请;(三)申请材料存在可以当场更正的错误的,应当允许申请人当场更正;(四)申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,应当当场或者在五日内一次告知申请人需要补正的全部内容。逾期不告知的,自收到申请材料之日起即为受理;(五)申请事项属于本行政机关职权范围,申请材料齐全、符合法定形式,或者申请人按照本行政机关的要求提交全部补正申请材料的,应当受理行政许可申请。行政机关受理或者不予受理行政许可申请,应当出具加盖本行政机关专用印章和注明日期的书面凭证。”正确答案是ACD。

     One day Daddy and I went out for a walk. On the way we  1  a lot of people. We went up and   2  
a look. Oh, dear!  3  did we see? There   4   a donkey (驴) in the middle of the road. It would not move.
The cars and buses could not get past.
     Then a policeman came."  5   donkey is this?" he asked. "It's mine," said a farmer, "but I  6   move it."
The policeman and the farmer did   7   best to move the donkey, but it would not move. We laughed,
but the   8   of the cars and the buses were worried. "We can't move the donkey," the farmer and the
policeman said. "What shall we do?"
    "Give a carrot   9   him," my father said.
    "What a good idea!" said the farmer.
    Soon he found a carrot and showed it to the donkey. When the donkey saw a carrot, it jumped up
and walked after the farmer.   10   the cars and buses could get past at last. How interesting!
( )1. A. saw    
( )2. A. enjoyed  
( )3. A. When    
( )4. A. is    
( )5. A. Whose    
( )6. A. mustn't
( )7. A. his    
( )8. A. drivers
( )9. A. for      
( )10. A. Some of
B. thanked  
B. had      
B. Where  
B. was      
B. Who      
B. needn't
B. their    
B. workers  
B. with    
B. Many of  
C. searched  
C. played    
C. What    
C. were      
C. Where      
C. shouldn't
C. them      
C. riders    
C. of        
C. All of    
D. watched  
D. gave      
D. Which    
D. had      
D. How      
D. can't    
D. they      
D. teachers  
D. to        
D. Few of    