问题 单项选择题

An Indian anthropologist, Chandra Thapar, made a study of foreign cultures, which had customs similar to (91) of his native land. One culture in (92) fascinated him because it reveres one animal (93) sacred, much as the people in India (94) the cow. The things he discovered might interest you (95) you will be studying India as part of this course.
The tribe Dr. Thapar (96) is called the Asu and is found on the American continent north of the Tamhumara of Mexico. Though it seems to be a (97) developed society of its type, it has an overwhelming (98) with the care and feeding of the rac—an animal much like a bull in size, strength and temperament. In the Asu tribe, it is almost a social (99) to own at least one (100) not more rats. People not possessing at least one are (101) in low esteem by the community because they are too poor to (102) one of these beasts properly. Some members of the tribe, to (103) their wealth and social prestige, even own (104) of racs.
(105) the rac breed is not very healthy and usually does not live more than five to seven years. Each family invests large (106) of money each year to keep its rac healthy and shod, for it has a tendency to throw its shoes often. There are rac (107) in each community, perhaps more than one if the community is particularly (108) . These specialists, however, due to the long period of ritual training they must undergo and (109) the difficulty of obtaining the right selection of charms to treat the rac, demand (110) offerings whenever a family must treat an ailing rac.







解析: 本句前半部分提到revere一词,此处与前半部分是平行结构,所以选择D。


材料一 “论中国政治制度,秦汉是一个大变动。唐之于汉,也是一大变动。但宋之于唐,却不能说有什么大变动,一切因循承袭。有变动的,只是迫于时代,迫于外面一切形势,改头换面,添注涂改地在变。纵说它有变动,却不能说它有建立。”

材料二 “只因宋初太宗太祖不识大体,立意把相权拿归自己,换言之,这是小兵不放心大臣,这也罢了。……但因宋初承袭五代积弊,社会读书人少,学术中衰,反对的也只晓得唐制不如此而已,并未能通揽大局,来为有宋一代定制创法。”  ——以上均摘自钱穆《中国历代政治得失》

材料三 “倘使我们说,中国传统政治是专制的,政府由一个皇帝来独裁,这一说法,用来讲明清两代是可以的。”

材料四 “民国成立后的二十年是一段令人愁丧的开始。……中国的首要问题仍是新旧之间不能衔接。……根据过去的经验,坐在龙椅上的人物虽以道德为号召,要不是以出卖旁人为习惯的老手,就是一个被人愚弄终身的小儿,要不是有了这些原因,1911年的革命不可能如是侥幸成功。” “……军阀割据在这段期间成为普遍现象。旧体制既已拆卸,新的尚未产生,只有私人军事力量可以在青黄不接之际维持短期团结。……如果军阀在历史上有任何贡献的话,那是在八十年外强侵略之后他们更增加了内部压力,于是强迫着中国的青年自行着手寻觅着一套救国方式。”  ——以上均摘自黄仁宇《中国人历史》













材料一  英国人阿瑟?扬在亲临法国大革命初期的国民议会现场后,有如下评论:“旁听席上的群众被允许以鼓掌和其他表示赞许的声音来干预辩论,这样做太欠雅观,也很危险,因为他们既然可以表示赞许,也就可以表示反对,既然可以鼓掌,也就可以发出嘘声。据说,他们已经这样做了,而这样是会压制辩论,影响议事的。” ——《1787~1789年法国游记》

材料二  英国的君主从原来实际的国家统治者,演变为今天的国家元首、主权的象征即虚君,经历了漫长的时期,这绝对不是像我们原来的西方政治史所说的那样,1688年“光荣革命”一下子就完成了的;即使到了维多利亚时代,国王的权力还是比较大的。但是,国王的权力越来越小,到今天已经非常小了。……法国革命之后,民主化在整个欧洲,整个西方成为不可抗拒的潮流。这个时候,英国对原来的下院进行了改造,逐步引入了普选制,下院逐渐变成了民意代表机构。以上就是英国的混合政体……君主、上院的贵族和下院的民主的混合。            ——李强《超越大众民主与权威主义——共和主义对中国政治转型的启迪》




