问题 翻译题


1. 科比的父亲过去经常参加美国国家职业篮球赛。

    Kobe's father ______________________ play in NBA.

2. 韩晓鹏在都灵奥运会之前一直没有停止过训练。

    Han Xiaopeng has never ______________________ before the Turin Olympics.

3. 在2008年,你乘坐磁悬浮列车只需要24分钟就可以从上海到达杭州。

    ______________________ between Shanghai and Hangzhou by magnetic train in 2008.

4. 这个小区既不安静又不完全,我不喜欢住在这里。

    The neighborhood is ______________________. I don't like living here.

5. 我认为在电脑前久坐对你的眼睛有害。

    ______________________ to sit too long at a computer.


1. Kobe's father used to play in NBA.

2. Han Xiaopeng has never stopped / given up practising / training.

3. It will take you only 24 minutes to travel / You will spend only 24 minutes (in) traveling between

    Shanghai and Hangzhou by magnetic train in 2008.

4. The neighborhood is neither quiet nor safe. I don't like living here.

5. I think it's bad for / I don't think it's good for your eyes to sit too long at a computer.

