问题 多项选择题

Graduates from under-privileged backgrounds are to challenge the elitism of the barristers’ profession, under plans outlined today. Reforms aimed at challenging the dominance of the rich and privileged classes which are disproportionately represented among the membership of the Bar will tackle the decline in students from poorer backgrounds joining the profession. They include financial assistance as well as measures to end the "intimidating environment" of the barristers’ chambers which young lawyers must join if they want to train as advocates.
The increasing cost of the Bar and a perception that it is run by a social elite has halted progress in the greater inclusion of barristers from different backgrounds. A number of high- profile barristers, including the prime minister’s wife, Cherie Booth QC, have warned that without changes, the Bar will continue to be dominated by white, middle-class male lawyers.
In a speech to the Social Mobility Foundation think tank in London this afternoon, Geoffrey Vos QC, Bar Council chairman, will say. The Bar is a professional elite, by which I mean that the Bar’s membership includes the best-quality lawyers practicing advocacy and offering specialist legal advice in many specialist areas. That kind of elitism is meritocratic, and hence desirable.
"Unfortunately, however, the elitism which fosters the high-quality services that the Bar stands for has also encouraged another form of elitism. That is elitism in the sense of exclusivity, exclusion, and in the creation of a profession which is barely accessible to equally talented people from less privileged backgrounds."
Last month, Mr. Vos warned that the future of the barristers’ profession was threatened by an overemphasis on posh accents and public school education. Mr. Vos said then that people from ordinary backgrounds were often overlooked in favour of those who were from a "snobby" background. People from a privileged background were sometimes recruited even though they were not up to the job intellectually, he added. In his speech today, Mr. Vos will outline the "barriers to entry," to a career at the Bar and some of the ways in which these may be overcome.
The Bar Council has asked the law lord, Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, to examine how these barriers can be overcome, and he will publish his interim report and consultation paper before Easter. He is expected to propose a placement programme to enable gifted children from state schools to learn about the Bar, the courts and barristers at first hand.
The Bar Council is also working towards putting together a new package of bank loans on favourable terms to allow young, aspiring barristers from poorer backgrounds to finance the Bar vocational course year and then have the financial ability to establish themselves in practice before they need to repay.
These loans would be available alongside the Inns of Court’s scholarship and awards programmes. Mr. Vos will say today: "I passionately believe that the professions in general, and the Bar in particular, must be accessible to the most able candidates from any background, whatever their race, gender, or socioeconomic group. The Bar has done well in attracting good proportions of women and racial minorities and we must be as positive in attracting people from all socioeconomic backgrounds.\

Give a brief summary of Bar Council chairman Geoffrey Vos’s view on elitism of the barrister’s profession.


参考答案:according to Geoffrey Vos, the elitism stressing meritocracy(talent and best-quality of professionals) is desirable and acceptable/ the elitism focusing on exclusivity and exclusion of the profession will threat the future of the profession/ inequality in the enrollment of people from ordinary backgrounds/such barriers should be overcome





1945年,尽管华罗庚已经是世界数论界的领袖学者之一,但他并不满足,决心中断他的数论研究,另起炉灶。关于他改变自己研究方向的主要原因,正如他以后多次说的, “假如我当时不改行,大概再写几篇数论文章,我的数学生命也就结束了,但改行了就不一样了”。“在研究数学时,选准方向拼命进攻固然很重要,但退却有时也很重要。善于退却,把握住退却的时机,这本身就是一种艺术。”他的改行,实际上是其治学之道“宽、专、漫”中的“漫”,即他在搞熟弄通的分支附近,扩大眼界,在这个过程中逐渐转到另一个分支,使自己的专业知识“漫”到其他领域。这样,原来的知识在新的领域还有用,选择的范围就会越来越大。他一直认为,从解析数论中“漫”出来是他一生研究数学的得意之笔。

对于我国数学教育中存在的问题,华罗庚认为,主要出在太注意方法而忽略了原则。一个数学问题往往要教十几种方法,其实只要一种就够了。学会一种方法,别的自然可以想到。在教学方法上,一种毛病是不少老师不愿意改作业,许多题目自己在黑板上演算一遍,让学生照抄了事;另一种毛病是不愿当堂答复学生的问题,这一种态度最坏。华罗庚上课时,对学生提的任何问题总要在课堂上答复,认为这样可以训练学生如何去“想”。有时实在解决不了,他也很坦白地告诉学生,他要回去继续想,而不是只顾面子,使问题解决得模模糊糊。他还讲到“由薄到厚”和“由厚到薄”的读书方法:“譬如我们读一本书,厚厚的一本,加上自己的注解,就会愈读愈厚,我们知道的东西也就‘由薄到厚’了。但这还只是接受和记忆的过程,读书并不是到此为止。‘由厚到薄’是消化、提炼的过程,即把那些学到的东西,经过咀嚼、消化,融会贯通,提炼出关键性的问题来。”                  (原文有删改)




