问题 翻译题


1. 朗朗是一名出色的钢琴家,但是他还坚持每天练习弹奏钢琴。

    Langlang is an excellent pianist, but he still _________ __________ the piano every day.

2. 我今天很想带上我最喜欢的小狗去外婆家。

    I ____________ ___________ taking my favourite dog with me to my grandma's today.

3. 如果我们节约水,那么将会有更多人喝上清洁的水。

    If we don't save water, ________ people will have no water _________ _________.

4. 直到他的班主任打电话给他,他才知道他在竞赛中获得一等奖。

    He _________know that he had won the first prize _______his teacher told him on the phone.

5. 她一点也不害怕在千百人面前讲话,因为她已经充分准备好了。

    She was not ________ __________ giving a talk in front of ________ of people ________ she has prepared

    very well for it.


1. keeps playing/ keeps practicing/ practices playing           2. feel like         3. more, to drink      

4. didn't, until          5. afraid of, thousands/ hundreds, because 或as
