1. 必须采取措施保持学校整洁。
Something must be to our school clean and didy .
2. 由于成功发射嫦娥一号,中国的航天工业越来越强大。
sending Chang'eⅠinto space successfully, China's space industry is getting stronger and
3. 让我们一起努力工作,为构建和谐社会贡献一份力量。
Let's work hard together to a great contribution to a harmonious society (和谐社会).
4. 很多人使用电脑来工作和学习。
Computers are for working and by many people.
5. 我们期待中国航天工业的明天更加美好。
We are to a better future for Chinese tomorrow's space industry .
1. done keep / make 2. Thanks to / Because of 3. make, building / making
4. used studying / learning 5. looking forward