1. 她说话的声音很大,我在这边都听到了。
She spoke loudly I heard her even from here.
2. 越来越多的人口使得地球上的资源越来越少。
and people the resources and .
3. 你能看出天空中有什么异常的东西吗?
Can you see in the sky?
4. 我们是好朋友,多年来我们彼此保持联系。
We are good friends, we have each other for many years.
5. 人们逐渐意识到污染的危害,他们已经采取措施来保护环境了。
People come to realize the danger of pollution, and they have the environment.
6. 你练习得越多,犯的错误就越少。
you practice, mistakes you'll make.
7. 格林先生在国内外有许多朋友。
Mr. Green has many friends at .
8. 我的叔叔离开家乡已有好几年了。
My uncle his hometown for quite a few years.
9. 老师告诉我们噪音对我们的耳朵伤害很大。
The teacher told us that noise very our ears.
10. 期中考试快要到了,同学们正在为它做准备。
The mid-exam is coming, and the students are it.
1. so; that 2. More; more; make; fewer; fewer 3. anything strange 4. kept in touch with
5. taken measures to protect 6. The more; the fewer 7. home and abroad 8. has been away from
9. is; harmful to 10. making preparations for