问题 填空题

注释说明了程序的功能,它分为 【2】 注释和功能性注释。



解析:[知识点] 程序设计基础:程序设计方法与风格
[评析] 注释一般分为序言性注释和功能性注释。序言性注释通常位于每个程序的开头部分,它给出了程序的整体说明,主要描述内容可以包括:程序标题、程序功能说明、主要算法、接口说明、程序位置、开发简历、程序设计者、复审者、复审日期、修改日期等。功能性注释的位置一般嵌在源程序体之中,主要描述其后的语句或程序做什么。




     Next to e-mail, the most popular activity on the Internet is chatting, which is a kind of social interaction

(社会交互作用). If you ask someone what kind of things they do most on the Internet, they will answer

that they like to chat. This seems especially true of the younger generation. Below are some tips that will

make your chat experience friendly and fun.

     Walking into a room and demanding age and sex (性别) is the most common mistake a new chatter makes.

Most regular chatters will ignore (不理会) the question and you. Don't limit yourself. Talk to everyone in

the room equally. You will soon know who shares your interests and who doesn't. If you prefer a one-on-one

type of online friendship, then maybe you'd better look for pal (好友).

     Shy? Many people feel shy when they enter a chat room where everyone seems to know everyone else

except him. It's really easy to feel left out. The best way to lose that feeling is to make yourself feel that you

are not a stranger. If you enter a room and say "Hello, everyone! My name (nickname here) and I'm new."

You will find that there are a couple of friendly people that will be happy to help you become part of them.

     Basically the best way to have a good chat experience is to be yourself and friendly. Try to join in the

conversations going on and don't be afraid to ask for help. Do remember, however, not everyone is nice and

friendly. There are also going to be a few people that are rude and just make you feel rotten. The best thing

to do is just ignore them. Arguing with them will just make it worse. Show that you are better than they are

by just refusing to let them get to you.
