The elderly Chinese man in the small booth (售票口) behind the thick glass shook his head. I didn't need to know a word of Chinese to understand there were beds available for the Thursday night train from Beijing to Shanghai. I had a Friday morning with my college friend. I must be on that train. Desperate times desperate measures. So I squatted(蹲下). I assumed that this was the international for “Are there any hard seats available?” , there were. It was seat 109. Very quickly, I found it. The Chinese man sitting in it, however, seemed to beg to differ. I panicked. I am a man who usually avoids conflicts(冲突) and so I my seat, as if still looking, to buy myself more time. I had two options: The first is to be a and ask for what was rightfully mine. The second was to 23 and spend the next 13 hours staying in a corner. Well, nine out of ten times I choose the second option. But at that moment, every square inch of had already been claimed. There wasn’t a corner in which to cower(退缩). So, I mustered up(聚集) some and presented the man with my proof of ownership. He looked at my ticket and . About midnight my became heavy and I was ready for the lights to dim and my date Ms ZZZZ to start. But the room bright and hot. I tried to persevere and was even able to work into a sleeping position. It is here I must admit: I have a bladder (膀胱). The man next to me drank a Coca-Cola, a bag of milk and a bottle of water and the course of 13 hours he did not move once. I drank but finally, I made my way to the bathroom at 3:02 am. After waiting in a thick cloud of cigarette smoke, I finally used the bathroom. The philosophy(原则) of my sleeping was right: if you get a seat on a train, don’t move.
小题1: D 由语境可知,此处表示“我一个汉字也不必知道就能明白没有卧铺票了”。
小题2: B 我跟我大学同学有个约会,我必须坐这趟火车。discussion讨论;appointment约会,预约;debate讨论,辩论;conversation交谈,谈话。
小题3: B 紧急的时候需要有紧急的措施。take up从事,占据;call for要求,需要;keep away不接近,使离开;bring in引进,带来;由语境可知B项正确。
小题4:C 我认为“蹲下”是国际上通用的符号“有硬座吗?”。habit个人行为习惯;custom风俗习惯;symbol符号,象征;style式样,风格。由语境可知C项正确。
小题5: B 还有硬座票,当然是“幸运地luckily”。
小题6: D 我不想跟人发生冲突,因此到了自己的座位还装作不是,继续往前走。walk past走狗,符合语境。
小题7: A 我有两个选择,一是像个男子汉要回理应属于自己的东西。man男子汉,男人。
小题8: A 另一个选择是放弃自己的座位到某个角落待上13个小时。give up放弃,符合语境。
小题9: C 但那个时候,每一英寸的空间都被占据了。space此处为不可数名词,意为“空间,地方”。
小题10:D 甚至连个退缩的角落都没有。even表示程度上的递进。
小题11: C 我鼓足了勇气,聚集了些信心,向那人表明那座位是我的。information信息;support支持;confidence信心;message信息。由语境客户资源C项正确。
小题12: A 由语境可知,他看了看我的票,离开了。
小题13:B 大约午夜时分,我的眼皮有些沉重,指“打盹了”。
小题14: C one’s date with sb.跟某人的约会。
小题15: A 上文提到I was ready for the lights to dim,而此处由并列连词but可知,“灯仍旧亮着”。remain保持,符合语境。
小题16:D 我坚持着甚至使自己进入了睡眠状态。
小题17: D 自己膀胱小,指“容易上洗手间”。
小题18: B over此处相当于more than,指“多于”。指那人喝了那么多的东西,在13个小时的行程中动也没动。
小题19: C 而我什么也没喝却在凌晨3:02去了洗手间。
小题20: A 我那位在睡觉的邻座的哲理是对的:如果你在火车上有座位,别动!