问题 翻译题


1. 他不但喜欢看电视,而且喜欢看电影。

    He enjoys not only ______ TV, but ______ ______ movies.

2. 许多年轻人显示对卡通片有兴趣。

    Many young adults ______ ______ ______ ______ cartoons.

3. 他有一个美妙的令人惊讶的生日聚会。

    He had ______ ______ ______ birthday party.

4. 广告会引导你买些你根本就不需要的东西。

   Ads can ______ you ______ ______ something you don't need ______ ______.

5. 一些广告能帮你比较两种不同的产品,以便你能买到你真正需要的。

  Some ads can help you_______ ________two different products_______

   _______ you can buy the______ you really need.


1. watching…also seeing

2. are showing interest in

3. a wonderful surprised

4. lead…to buy…at all

5. to compare  so that  one

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