问题 不定项选择

某区公安分局认为李某妨碍执行公知对其处以5日行政拘留。李某不服,向市公安局申请复议。市公安局作出复议决定,对其处以10日的行政拘留。李某提起行政诉讼。 请回答下列问题:








解析:本题考查经复议案件被告的确定。 《行政诉讼法》第25条第2款和第3款规定:“经复议的案件,复议机关决定维持原具体行政行为的,作出原具体行政行为的行政机关是被告;复议机关改变原具体行政行为的,复议机关是被告。”本案中因为复议机关改变了原行政处罚,因此应以复议机关为被告。



     The story is told about two people named David and Rosy Jackson. Both

of them had very bad memory. For example, Rosy would forget to cook

dinner,or David would go to work on Sunday,thinking it was Monday.

     One winter they were to take a long plane trip. When they arrived at the

airport, there was ten minutes left.In that situation(情况) anyone would get

into the plane right away.But Mr. and Mrs Jackson didn’t do so. They went

to buy the travel first. After they put a two-pound note into a machine , their

insurance policy came out."Who would get the money if the plane crashed,

I wonder?" asked Rosy."My mother,of course. " her husband replied.

"We'll post the policy to her. " Now be quick give me a stamp,will you?"

He said. "The plane is going to take off in a minute. " David put the stamp

on the  envelope, dropped it into a postbox. And suddenly he let out a cry.

What do you think happened to him? He had posted their plane tickets to

his mother.

1. This passage tells us that David and Rosy          .

    A. were always short of time

    B. always did everything in a great hurry

    C. were very forgetlul

    D. usually worked on Sunday

2. According to the passage, what does the "insurance"

     mean in Chinese?         

    A. 飞机票    

    B. 保险    

    C. 饮料    

    D. 纪念物

3. David wanted to post his mother           .

    A. the travel insurance policy       

    B. a two-pound note

    C. two plane tickets                       

    D. an empty envelope

4. Mr Jackson made such a foolish mistake because          .

    A. he was worried about his mother

    B. he had forgotten to bring a stamp

    C. he was worried about this flight

    D. his memory was poor and he was in a hurry
